Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Philippines Large Shipments Sent & Many Receiving Freely – HalleluYah

by | Jul 8, 2024

“Only be strong and very courageous, to guard to do according to all the Torah which Mosheh My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it right or left, so that you act wisely wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Torah depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and act wisely.” ~Yahoshua / Joshua 1:7-8.  HalleluYah to the Most High for He deserves all the praise and esteem for He is so compassionate and loving towards those who are His. Sincere appreciation and greetings to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters. We all pray you are well. Praises and honor to YHWH the Father and His Bĕn (Son) for your continued support of the HalleluYah Scriptures projects. We are so thankful that you are here with us along this special path, and your loving kindness towards the Project is very much appreciated, as there is an urgency to spread His Word to the nations, to the four corners of the earth, as stated in Scriptures.

A Huge HalleluYah for more shipments going out around the world to those in need. May the Father be praised!

Praises over and over again to the Most High who does the most amazing work in helping those in need through you, His people. Hundreds of thousands of free materials have been printed and send out around the world because of you.

HalleluYah for our brothers and sisters in the Philippines. We are so excited to work with so many groups and fellowships and the Filipino people are so passionate and loving towards those who are in need and those seeking Truth. Their hearts are open wholeheartedly towards the needy and will always put others first before themselves. This is why we have a special place in our hearts for these people, as we have worked with them for over 12 years.

Four team members who have been with the Project for over 10 years, are some of the most dedicated and hardest workers for the Most High, who is Number 1 in their lives, and they serve the Father with joy and gladness. We, as a team, from all over the world, understand that we must decrease so that He increases and that He gets all the esteem and praise, for He deserves it all. We, as a team, would never accept thanks, as it does not belong to us, and to take any praise from the Father would be wicked in our eyes.

“O YHWH, You are my Elohim. I exalt You, I praise Your Name, for You shall do a wonder – counsels of long ago, trustworthiness, truth.” ~Yeshayahu/Isaiah 25:1

Thousands of FREE materials are constantly being packed and shipped out to the Philippines. Our dear Sister in the UK has worked very hard to recently pack thousands of free materials for the Philippines. She unpacked and packed 15 jumbo boxes of materials to send and was able to do this in a matter of days. Never been done so fast by anyone in the past. When you have a pure heart with passion and dedication, and it is all about the Father and those in need then you do the work with gladness and joy. Two weeks later she did 8 jumbo boxes for another group in the Philippines. 

So truly grateful beloved it really is our pleasure to do the work of the Father in any way He sees fit to bring all praise Honor and esteem unto His Mighty Saving Name. Thank you beloveds. Much love and big hugs. UK Postal Agent.

She has served with joy and gladness for close to 14 years and she too serves the Most High with all her heart and we love her dearly. She has served her best for the Father, for His Word and for His people. We, as a team, are united and love each other and work very closely with each other, uplifting and respecting each other as the Father asks us to, using each day that the Father gives us to serve Him and His people, who are so desperate for His Word.

It is not an easy job packing and shipping thousands of orders. It takes a lot of dedication, energy and passion, as there is a lot of lifting, unpacking and careful repacking constantly, and to serve with a smile and joy is important and to pray over each copy, as it is His Word. We praise the Most High that the team the Project has serves with joy and gladness, praying over each parcel, so it arrives safely with no issues, and this has indeed happened.

All esteem to the King beloved for we can do all things through Him who gives us strength as it truly was a miracle cause I know we had divine help cause I still don’t know how we did it lol Abba is so good to us all the time.  Myself, hubby and the other worker don’t require any payments beloved that’s okay we will do anything for the Most High as it lines up with the perfect will for our lives. HalleluYAH.
Much love, Postal Agent UK

The distribution in the USA has increased a hundred-fold, as have all orders around the world in most countries. We are printing non-stop now as we have the right team in place that gives all they can to help those in need.

There are lives that have been changed forever, and many people have been inspired to know His Truth. You have enabled us to reach many, all over the world, and many lives have been changed because of the love you have for His people. They are so thankful and grateful, which can be witnessed personally by simply reading some of their comments on the site comments page.

HalleluYah for the wonderful work being done in these countries with the HalleluYah Scriptures. So many are receiving freely and so many lives have been touched and changed forever. Praises to the Most High! The distribution of the HalleluYah Scriptures freely to those that cannot afford, supported by those who can has been a great success, as the Project is operated according to Scriptures.

We are honored to join with many brothers, sister and fellowships in the Philippines who serve their utmost to see His people receive His Word. We have been able to share His Word with the elderly, those who have been praying all their lives for this Truth, those who are near the end of their lives. It has made us weep many times to receive messages from those who have been waiting for this wonderful treasure.

May the favor of Yah rain down on all of you responsible for this amazing project. I’m just getting started on this journey of worshipping the Father in spirit and in TRUTH. When we know better we do better and I pray more and more people are awakened in these last days. Melissa USA.

Benito and Family – South Africa
Shabbath Shalom HS Team!
Todah rabah! We have received our consignment you have so kindly sent us through your awesome Postal Agents! May YHWH continue to barak this amazing ministry. Thank you again and we will continue to send you pictures as we distribute! YHWH barak!

Thank you so very much for sending this Bible to me. I’m very appreciative for being able to reference the word and certainly grateful for the Hebrew guide that accompanied the Bible. I am also grateful for the updates that are shared through the newsletter that is sent via email. May El expand his reach, edify the servants, and be glorified through the work of this ministry. Thank you. Shonda USA

Thank you. The HalleluYah Book has changed my life, especially my husband’s. He was so worldly, now he just worldly. Yah is definitely working on him. He believes in Ya! Kimberly


HalleluYah, join us with to praise the Father as we spend days/weeks on these articles for good stewardship and so that the Father gets so much more praise, as He truly deserves it. The website gets thousands upon thousands of visitors each day, coming to see what the Father has done, as their is no person’s names on the website, for His Word belongs to Him and Him alone, as He is the Author and finisher of His Word!

We work with many groups around the world who have a passion for seeing the very poor and needy receive His Word freely, and they go the extra mile to see His people have a free copy of His Word.

Many shipments are coming in and many parcels and pallets are going out to those in need. Our postal agents work hard dispatching orders, and many of the orders are large, as there are many fellowships and groups in need who also desire to go and share His Word, so we try and do all we can with the time given.

All the HalleluYah Scriptures postal agents and volunteers have dedicated their time and lives to do this work. This is our life and breath, and we love to serve the Father and His people in this way. Please pray for us and our health to keep going as the work load is quite astounding.

I am SO EXCITED to receive this bible. I thank Yah for this ministry. Thank you to all who dedicated their time, talents, and other resources to make this parallel bible a reality for the Kingdom. May Elohim bless you richly!


Thank you for your groups collective efforts to share the original text and restored names to our Fathers Word, my family is greatful! May Almighty bless and continue to light your groups path in sharing His word. Kevin W. – USA

Shalom, Thank you again HalleluYah Scriptures Team All praise to the most high…May YHWH Barack each and every one of the HalleluYah Scriptures Team. Mayra J.

“And we know that all works together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are called according to purpose.” ~Romiyim/Romans 8:28

Praises to YAH! Thank you HalleluYAH Scriptures team for the gift of love, His Word “the HalleluYAH Scriptures. Ribkah – USA

I appreciate your correspondence and your thoughtfulness more than you know! I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying my HalleluYAH Scriptures—I can’t wait to be in the shamayim and meet all you wonderful brothers and sisters, where we can study YHWH’s Word endlessly and completely. What a berekah! Thank you again, for your incredible work for the Kingdom of Elohim. Camilla

It truly takes a lot hard work and dedication to ship His Word out. Those on the team do this work with love and passion, for His Word is so important. Our Savior said, unless you give up all you have you cannot be His follower, so it means we need to put ourselves aside and serve with joy and gladness.

We value every good gesture you have shown toward the Project and those in need, especially helping the very poor of this world to have His Word. Praise the Father and Bĕn!

It takes a lot of dedication and love to do this work and it take a special person who forsakes and puts themselves last and the Father and His people first.

Through your prayers, fasting and donations, so much has been done and even more over the past year, as we have printed around 500K materials and shipped out a hundred times more due to the efforts of those who love to serve the Father and His people and given all they have of themselves to do this work.

“Yet even now,” declares YHWH, turn to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning.” and tear your heart and not your garments, and turn back to YHWH your Elohim, for He shows favour and is compassionate, patient, and of great kindness, and He shall relent concerning the evil.” ~Yo’ĕl/Joel 2:12-13

We really appreciate all those who have come together worldwide to lend their hands and voices to this Project that belongs to YHWH and His Bĕn. The many hands that have come together have been amazing, so let us continue to stand strong together to do as much as we can before it is too late. As you well know, things are changing fast and we are in the last days and must be seen to do all we can for the Father, putting our lives aside and putting Him first.

The Philippines has a special place in our hearts, and the love for His Word – the HalleluYah Scriptures – has grown so fast in this country because many brothers & sisters are working hard to reach His people and share His Word, and so many are hungry for the Truth and are in need of a free copy to share with their family, for a great many have no way of affording to cover costs.

“I call upon you therefore, I the prisoner of the Aḏon, to walk worthily, of the calling with which you were called, with all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, being eager to guard the unity of the Ruaḥ in the bond of peace.” ~Eph’siyim/Ephesians 4:1-3

We are so very grateful and thankful for all the support the Project and team has received over the years. All the kind words, prayers, and encouragement through some of the hardest times. Your prayers, fasting, and your wonderful comments and emails have touched our hearts deeply and we thank you with all our hearts. You messages always come at the right time to encourage us and know it it the Father using you to uplift us.

Working in the Philippines for over 12 years has been a great honor. We have come to know the most amazing brothers and sisters over the years who are very dedicated to serving in any way they can and nothing is a problem or issue to them.

We are still working very hard seeking out groups/fellowships and believers who are in need and ask, if you know anyone in any country that is in need, kindly let us know. Our mission is to seek the lost and we can do so much more if you, His people, will inform us of any needs. Time is short and at any time the Father can change things, so we pray to have help in seeking all those in need.

Those that are close to the Father’s heart know how important this Project is and how many lives have been changed forever, they have eyes to see the wonderful work the Father has done. It is your unfailing love for the Father and His people that has helped this Project and the tens of thousands all over the world who have received freely.

HalleluYah for the unity we have as a team! We praise the Father that He has always stood up for His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, that He has won all the battles against the enemy and those that do the enemy’s work. The enemy hates the Father’s Word, as it has been the only FREE restored Names Bible since the beginning of printing His Word and has the ONLY true Author on the cover and inside, and we know this has driven the enemy to anger. We will never stop sending out His Word freely to those in need until our last breath.

We are often amazed, as we know you are, with the amount of work being done on the Project all over the world and how His people have gone the extra mile to get parcels and shipments out in their country and into their surrounding countries. We know that the Ruach and the messengers help, as when looking at all this work, it can only be with a lot of spiritual help.

We are a team, and all those that volunteer all over the world are honored to do this work. We are amazed at the amount of free copies going out all over the world into waiting hands, and know this is the Father who does this and who leads believers and groups to us to help. We all see how important this work is and do all we can to help those in need.

May the beraḵah (blessing) of YHWH be upon all those who have stepped forward to help to do this great work, and because of your love toward the Father and His and Bĕn, so many prayers have been answered.
We are united in spreading His wonderful Word to all the people, and these missions and projects are made possible through your prayers and regular support. Again, we thank you for that. HalleluYah!

We know a time is coming soon when we will not be able to be so open in the distribution of His Word and it will be banned, which is why we are working around the clock to get stock into many more countries.

We are all in agreement and have such peace in our hearts from the Father who has always given us peace while we have our heads down to do the work. It is not our battle, for all battles belong to the Father and He has most definitely always protected His Word.
We have grown together as a team and family and this family has grown all over the world. We enjoy working together, and all have one purpose, and that is: to see His people receive His Word freely.

The prisoners’ and free requests have been increasing hugely each week and we receive a lot of comments of praise from those who received freely and some of the messages are heartbreaking. Thank you very much for helping prisoners and those in need receive a free copy. It is the most valuable possession a person can have in their hands. HalleluYah!

Many in the Philippines are enjoying the Children’s materials and Movies, and we are working on an article about children around the world loving His Word. These are being shared all over the world and many children and families are enjoying them. They also come in other languages for children who cannot read English. The Project also sends out thousands upon thousands of other books and materials for the very poor and needy. You will see the arrival of these shipments and the sending out of the items in an up and coming article. 

We praise the Father for all the work that is being done around the world by those that are His. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for allowing us to serve the Father in his Way.

Kindly check out all the work that is being done daily for orphans, widows and the truly poor. We want to say a huge HalleluYah and a special thank you to those that donate to help orphans, widows and the truly poor and needy. We know how thankful and grateful they are for your help.

We keep you in our daily prayers and we thank you once again. Be sure to check out all the other articles on the website and also check out the comments page.

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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