“Elohim is our refuge and strength, a help in distress, soon found. Therefore we do not fear, though the earth reels and mountains topple into the heart of the seas. Let its waters rage, foam; Let mountains shake with its swelling.” Tehillim / Psalms 46:1-3. Joy us in saying HALLELUYAH. A Great Awakening is occurring in this country! Praises to the Most High for Madagascar, this country came to our attention by the hand of the Most High, and really was a miracle that could only have been ordained by the Father’s hand. Just from one meeting a miracle happened that changed our lives and the lives of those in Madagascar forever. It started around 6 years ago when 4 team members went to Israel to organize a pallet of Hebrew/English Editions for the Jewish people who come to Truth. The team travelled for 6 weeks sharing about this one-of-a-kind and history-in-the-making Edition, being the only restored names Hebrew Bible. This Edition has gone a long way in Israel and around the world making it the most popular Edition. It has been amazing to see His people wanting to learn about His Word and the original language.
We are sharing an article on that special trip, as we found a whole lot of pictures we had forgotten that were taken all over Israel. Madagascar has a large Christian following, and they love to save and travel, if possible, to Israel to connect with the Father and His Son.
“YHWH…This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.” Exodus 3:15
What a berakhah it was to be able to contact and support those who are walking in Truth in Israel and wanting to reach others with Truth and His Word. It was very special to be able to share about this very important and urgent Project in Israel. Many whom we had made contact with had been praying for a Restored Names Bible and having it in Hebrew made a huge difference.
They were amazed that they were free to those in Israel and also free to those who cannot afford or have no options of affording! They understood this principle very clearly, as most of our supporters do, as it is Scripture.
What a berakhah it was to be able to contact and support those who are walking in Truth in Israel and wanting to reach others with Truth and His Word. It was very special to be able to share about this very important and urgent Project in Israel.
Many whom we had made contact with had been praying for a Restored Names Bible and having it in Hebrew made a huge difference. They were amazed that they were free to those in Israel and also free to those who cannot afford or have no options of affording! They understood this principle very clearly, as most of our supporters do, as it is Scripture.
When the team had exhausted all contacts, they hit the streets offering free Messianic Bibles and even going to the extent of interrupting Christian tour groups to simply introduce the Name of YHWH and His Son.
Many were very interested in hearing about this Special Edition and asked many questions, which led to sharing about His Laws and Festivals etc. It seems that they were so hungry for Truth and were in awe of this new information, as it was new to them, having not heard about this information before in their lives.
Here is the account of the miracle how the Father had us connect with believers in Madagascar and how many came to the Truth and accepted the Names and Torah of YHWH:
We were led to the Sea of Galilee to stand on the dock where Christians board a boat to sail around to see the various sites. One of the team saw two ladies and one man walking towards them, and one team member simply stepped forward and said,
“Do you know that the Father and His Son have a Name?” they looked and said the usual thing, and the team proceeded to share that we have been lied to, and shared further about the Truth. Their mouths fell open and there was a shock on their faces, and were somewhat speechless. There were tears in their eyes as they knew it was Truth in their hearts and they accepted this simple Truth that was shared.
The trio who was very taken with the Truth shared and immediately requested copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures to take with them to Madagascar of all places!
The team were led to go to the Sea of Galilee that very day and it really amazed them that YHWH would have three people book their ticket from a small island off the coast of Africa to go to Israel and that they would take a tour to that very area on that same day at that exact time to be greeted by the team who felt led to share this Truth to them. It was amazing!
All praise, honor and esteem to the Most High who organizes all appointments. HalleluYah!!!
The team left a number of HalleluYah Scriptures with the bus driver to give to the trio, and from that short encounter there are now at least three hundred believers that we are aware of in that country just from that one meeting. We did not hear anything back from this country for a number of months, then started getting orders for free copies to go to Madagascar.
Those orders turned into sending pallets of free stock to this country, and we have seen it grow so fast with many requests. There seems to be an awakening in this country and we are so excited to be able to help those coming to Truth!
They had a situation of flooding in Madagascar a year or so ago and the Project was able to send them food relief, which they were extremely grateful for. Those that donate to the orphans, widows, leper and truly poor and needy also help our brothers and sisters in this country.
They are so very grateful and thankful for the help. We were also able to help them in other ways through this time, and HalleluYah, the stock was safe and did not get wet or damaged.
They had a situation of flooding in Madagascar a year or so ago and the Project was able to send them food relief, which they were extremely grateful for. Those that donate to the orphans, widows, leper and truly poor and needy also help our brothers and sisters in this country.
They are so very grateful and thankful for the help. We were also able to help them in other ways through this time, and HalleluYah, the stock was safe and did not get wet or damaged.
“O clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to Elohim with a voice of singing! For YHWH Most High is awesome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.” Tehillim/Psalms 47:1-2
“You have sent me Scriptures over the years Thank you so Much!! HalleluYAH Scriptures WONDERFUL WORK LADIES AND GENTLMEN…. When ever I minister to anyone I always mention your organization .The only one of it’s kind in the world that I know of!!!”
Let Yah work His Will in you. You are a blessing. May Yah continue to bless you and you continue to be a blessing for others. I pray for Yah’s covering over you, this ministry and entire organization. Thank you, I appreciate you, I love you and Yah loves you!
A huge HalleluYah! The Father and His Son provide through those who have a huge heart in helping the very poor and needy in this world. There are many parents that are single who are in such desperate need of a free copy, as they have no means or options of affording and would love to teach and read to their children from His Word, but do not have the means, so when we hear of these stories it really touches our hearts deeply, as we enjoy hearing about these needs and fulfilling them.
Praises to the Most High for hearing the cries of those who are in need of His Love Letter.
Madagascar is yet another country we have been able to reach with His Word now for a number of years. The brothers and sisters who reach out to others have been working hard to seek those in need, and when they do, they are able to share His Word. This is why it is important to have stock in many countries, so that it is spread out to help many.
It really amazes us how fast His Word has spread all over this country, and the world, and how the HalleluYah Scriptures has spread into almost every country. We hear of many stories that really amaze us and these situations could not happen by a man’s hand. We know it is by the hand of the Father.
Seeking Your Help To Spread The Word.
Do you know any believers, groups, or fellowships in third world countries that are in need of free materials? We have other countries sorted, but we want to reach more believers in third world countries, as we are sending a lot of stock to be shared.
Those in these types of countries have no means or options of affording. Those all around them are just as poor, so they cannot simply find a job to cover costs as others in the western world. Please help us to spread the HalleluYah Scriptures to even more in genuine need. Thank you in advance. You can let us know…
PLEASE help us to aid as many groups/fellowships and believers as possible before time runs out. We truly need to get stock in other countries, so that when that time comes when we lose contact, we can be comforted to know they are taken care of. Please search out groups and contacts and pass their details onto us or have them contact us if possible. We are here to help.
Thank you on behalf of them all. The Widows. Helping Since 2016
Praise the Most High for those that help toward the orphans, widow, lepers and the truly poor and needy. We thank you so much on behalf of those you have assisted. We are working on a page for all the orphans, widows, lepers and the truly poor and needy you have helped.
We have a passion to help believing orphans, widows, lepers and the poor through you all. May the Most High show you favor always for your compassion towards those in need.
These are some of the widows the Project assists with food, clothing, shoes, hygiene needs and natural medical needs.
Thank you so much once again for your support. You have done an amazing thing in helping the truly poor and needy to receive freely.
Thank you,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team