“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he turns not away from it.” ~ Mishlĕy/Proverbs 22:6. A huge HalleluYah, praises to the Most High who deserves all the Praise. We are so excited to have offered the children’s Book on DVD’s for children to have enjoyed for many years now. The most exciting part is offering the children’s movies in a number of languages so that children in other countries can watch the animated DVD – children in Pakistan, Philippines, Kenya, South Africa, Yisrael can read along in their own language and see the Father’s Word come to life.
Children in South Africa receiving the HalleuYah Scriptures and children’s materials freely.
The artwork for the children’s Books have been worked on by 2 brothers on the team and who have been working on these for many years. A lot of thought and prayer and fasting has gone into the children’s Books and children’s Book DVD and coloring books, as we wanted the images to be lifelike so that children do not perceive them as fairy tales.
Thank you very much for the HalleluYahScriptures (Bible) you sent me. I am enjoying it very much. May YHWH bless you and keep you safe. Thank you again. ~Yvette – South Africa
South Africa & the Philippines – Receiving Freely. HalleluYah
We have seen many come to Truth over the years through these materials, it has been a wonderful journey helping families. A special thank you to those that have donated to help others receive freely.
“I give thanks to YHWH according to His righteousness, And praise the Name of YHWH Most High.” Tehillim/Psalms 7:17
Kenya & Nigeria Believers Receiving Freely His Word & Children’s Books.
We have enjoyed getting His Word to Children all over the world. The First Children’s book was completed in 2013 and we are so excited to get these out free all over the world over the past 10 years. The first Children’s Book was translated into, Spanish, Filipino language and Telgu for the children in India.
As shared all HalleluYah Scriptures children’s materials are all Scripture just like His Word with life like artwork. The project went on to do two movies one for each book and this video has been given out freely by the thousands for children all over the world.
Thank you very much for the HalleluYahScriptures (Bible) you sent me. I am enjoying it very much. May YHWH bless you and keep you safe. Thank you again. ~Yvette – South Africa
HalleluYah for children and families in Nigeria who have received thousands of free materials over the years. They are so grateful and thankful and praise the Most High for those who have donated to help them.
Thank you for your work in spreading the gospel of Messiah and thank you for this gift of a Bible. Jonathan – Uganda
Children in Pakistan praying before watching the HalleluYah Scriptures Children’s Movie. Copies of the movies and children’s materials were given freely as all materials are that are sent to 3rd world countries.
“For our heart rejoices in Him, For we have put our trust in His qodesh Name. Let Your kindness, O YHWH, be upon us, Even as we wait for You.” Tehillim / Psalms 33:21-22
HalleluYah for the Father’s children in Africa. So thankful for the Children’s materials. Praises to the Most High.
Thank you so much, HallelluYah Scriptures Team for your effort! You helped so many BELIEVERS. ~Mary E. (Philippines)
The children in Hong Kong, China and Japan have enjoyed the Children’s materials over the years. A number of believers have enjoyed working hard to get His Word and materials into countries that forbid His Word. Putting their own lives and families lives at risk they knew it was so important for His people who have been praying and weeping for His Word. The project has been able to share thousands of free materials into these types of countries. All praise to the Most High.
“And YHWH helps them and delivers them; He delivers them from the wicked and saved them, because they took refuge in Him” Tehillim (Psalms) 37:40
So delightful and joyful it is when you see His people all over the world receiving freely His Word and materials. Children in the Philippines LOVE the HalleluYah Scriptures. The project has been able to send tens of thousands of free materials into the Philippines and we have been honored to serve His people in this country.
“So is My Word that goes forth from My mouth – it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for.” ~ Yeshayahu / Isaiah 55:11
Zambia, Kenya & Nigeria families enjoying the wonderful Truth in the HalleluYah Scriptures Childrens materials. So many children all over the world have enjoyed the materials and have learned so much Truth in them as Yahshua said you have no need of a teacher for One is your teacher and what a great Teacher we have.
HalleluYah for children in Ghana, it is a great honor in sending free materials into these poorer countries. The heart of the Father is to help the very poor and needy and it has been a wonderful journey to help those in need.
At the border of Nepal and India. His children receiving FREELY His Word and Children’s materials. It has been amazing to help so many believers in countries like this and in the middle east where his Word is rare. We have seen the hand of the Most High reach into countries and places that are hard to get HIs Word into, He has always had people who will smuggle and hide His Word, it has been amazing to work with these kinds of believers, really a great honor.
A huge amount of work has been done in India over the past 13 years with His Word. We have worked with many believers and groups in this country who have also worked hard to reach those seeking Truth. These types of countries are not always easy to work in but those we have known for many years have truly given their lives to this work and it has been a great honor in sending them as many materials they can use in their work. This has been possible because of you the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters. A huge thank you from them to you.
Namibia, we have loved our work in this country. We have found over the years the hunger for His Word and Truth in these 3rd world countries. They are not 3rd world to the Most High, they are a treasure, and they are also a treasure to us as a team. We have a close relationship with all we deal with in all these countries and have come to love them dearly. Kindly pray for our brothers and sisters in these countries as they need our prayers.
I am grateful I have this opportunity to learn and read from this Bible, I seek knowledge and the truth and want nothing more than to get to know and seek my heavenly father and how to follow him correctly. Thank you. Kimberly
Thanks alot for sharing may Yahshua barakh you abundantly we will keep praying for the project day and night. We are really seeing the fruit from the HalleluYah scriptures as many people are coming to the truth. Uganda
HalleluYah for Zimbabwe and Portugal. The project went on to work on some coloring books for children. There were characters created for these books. All the Children’s books are all Scripture and teaches the Children important Commandments, Festivals and Shabbat. These have been so popular in teaching children from. Scriptures is what is important, not man’s words for the Father’s Word is everlasting.
The Philippines, a country the project has helped for close to 14 years. The project has sent tens of thousands of free materials over the years. This country has touched our hearts deeply as some of the team members who work on the project live in this country. They have been with the project for 10 to 13 years, serving the Most High and His people in a genuine way, doing their work for the Father. The Filipino brothers and sisters have a wonderful passion to see people come to Truth and will travel long distances to see His Word get into the hands of the needy. We love the Sisters we work with closely in this country. We truly praise the Most High for them.