Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Widely Spreading His Word In South Africa, Tanzania, Nigeria

by | Dec 23, 2022

“If I forget you, O Yerushalayim, let my right hand forget. Let my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Yerushalayim above my chief joy.” ~ Tehillim / Psalm 137:5-6 

Those that have received your free Gift are so very thankful and grateful to you and keep you in their prayers, as we do as a team. We want to take the time to say a very special, “thank you” for your support, kindness and encouragement over the years. Your prayers, fasting and donations have made this possible and know, we pray for you daily and ask the Father to show you favor, as you have shown many of His people much favor. It really is time to get our focus on our Father and His Word, as what is happening in the world is prophesied in His Word and is plain to see by those that have their eyes open.

The days and years will become very hard for many of us, and it is time to put aside any unforgiveness, hate and bitterness, as there is no room for these things for we really need Him more than ever in the coming days, months and years and we need to get our lives right and focus on trusting Him and not to have fear in these days. Let each one search their hearts at this time, as it is not a time to point fingers at others, as we have little time to get things right in our own lives. Do all you can for the Most High, as night is coming when no man will be able to work. (Jhn 9:4)

South Africa

HalleluYah, just look at the joy on the faces of those that have received the most important Item in their lives! This is a day that is remembered for all their lives.

The enemy wants us to be hateful towards others, being busy and concerned with what others say about us, he wants us to walk in fear and to trust the world and leaders around us, but we need to look to our Father and not man through these coming days.

A real test is coming, so let us run this race to the end together, praying and fasting for each other around the world, as this is what will help us in these coming days. Let us walk in His Ways, keeping our eyes on Him, so we are not startled when the things prophesied come upon us. Money and material goods will not save us… These give a false comfort and hope and it is time to strip our lives of excess baggage, as those that have piled up riches and possessions will suffer, for it will be a burden to them and they will not be able to let them go and thus be trapped. It is time to get our lives in order, for we will be standing before the Most High very soon and let us stand with a peace in our hearts that we did all we could for Him in this short life.

Thank you for the HalleluYah Scriptures and other FREE material I received from you. We will give out the bibles to people who cannot afford to make donations. We will also provide you with a picture of every recipient of the FREE bible and FREE materials. May YHWH barak you and keep you.

“But YHWH, who is rich in compassion, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Mashiaḥ – by favour you have been saved…” ~ Eph’siyim/Ephesians 2:4-5

HalleluYah, and a very special thank you to those that have donated over the years to make this project possible for the very poor and needy who have never seen nor been able to afford such a wonderful and special Gift. This Project has only been possible because you, and you know who you are – those that have given from their hearts because they know His Word is important for ALL  believers, no matter our skin color or race, as we are ALL one in our Savior.

It brings me joy seeing my Father’s Name restored in the scriptures. People are beginning to wake up. The veil is being lifted, be it His Will. I do enjoy seeing the Paleo-Hebrew version better than the modern Hebrew. The style he wrote with when he gave Moshe the law – Praise Yahuwah, thank you and berakah.

“For the fruit of the Ruaḥ is in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth – proving what is well-pleasing to the Aḏon.” ~ Eph’siyim/Ephesians 5:9-10

A lot of work goes into organizing, preparing and packing each of the overseas shipments and there is always a huge amount of paperwork with many hundreds of emails from shipping companies, customs agents, warehouses and then further customs and then the trucking companies picking up and delivering the shipments.

Please pray, as it is not always as easy as it looks, for the manpower and of course the strength and protection from YHWH and His Wonderful Son, without whom nothing would be possible. We stand in awe and praise His wonderful Name for all He has done, for we, like you, are just lowly, willing servants and what a great honor to be able to do this important service and also to be able to work on many projects that are the very first and only ones of their kind. All praise, honor and esteem to Yah!

Shalom HalleluYah Scriptures team, All praises to YHWH through His Son Yahushua. I received the HalleluYah Scriptures today and I am really thankful to the whole team. May YHWH bless you and continue establishing your steps as you continue with your ministry. (Free Copy)

“But the fruit of the Ruaḥ is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no Torah.” ~ Galatiyim / Galatians 5:22-23

Reaching those in Africa has been very important to us as a team, as there have been thousands upon thousands who have been waiting all their lives for just one copy to share with their family and also to take to show others the Names and Truth in their area.

It is much easier to witness when you have the right Bible in your hands. This group that shares His Word are so excited that they could share about the HalleluYah Scriptures, as they had never seen anything like this before and it was a very special and exciting time to be had by all. HalleluYah!

It is always lovely to see His people come together, even in tin sheds or out in the openness of the fields. So very refreshing.

People are becoming more and more aware of the lies of the enemy regarding the real names of the Father and His Son. It is such a privilege to be part of a team to bring the Truth to people. Thank you HalleluYah Scriptures team for all your work in this regard!! May YHWH barak you and keep you!! All the receivers of the HalleluYah Scriptures cannot believe that it is possible to receive a FREE Bible! They are very, very grateful.

“Let your word always be with favour, seasoned with salt, so that you know how you ought to answer each one.” ~ Qolasim/Colossians 4:6


HalleluYah for believers in Tanzania! We are so excited to share about this country, and the amazing reach of the HalleluYah Scriptures all over Africa. The African peoples are so excited to be able to have His restored Word. 

HalleluYah Scriptures is being spread all over the world into many countries and places that have never seen nor heard of a Restored Names Bible. Many hearts and lives have been changed daily because of the love the Father and His Son have for Their people. Those that have donated to make this happen have heard the cries of the people through the Ruach and they also have come running to help, and that is why tens of thousands all over the world have now received the best Gift they could ever own.

Thank you for supporting us, the members of our kahal is very grateful for having a copy of HalleluYah Scriptures, now they can read the Bible near in the original Hebrew language. The receivers of HalleluYah Scriptures are so blessed and grateful for all the supporters of this kind of ministry. may Yahweh bless you and keep you. shalom!

“My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the proving of your belief works endurance.” ~ Ya’aqoḇ / James 1:2-3

Please pray for these believers you see in the pictures, as they go through struggles in their respective countries that we sometimes have difficulty comprehending. Although HalleluYah Scriptures is an English translation, we find it truly inspiring how many report we receive of believers who have rather low levels of English comprehension being able to fully understand every Word they read. it is most definitely the Ruach of Yah giving them the understanding though this amazing Translation!

Shalom HalleluYah scriptures team, greetings in the Matchless Name our Adon Yashua!! We will really appreciate for getting more bibles from you!! Right now we need 100 bibles for the seven churches, l will be faithful to send you pictures as I will distribute the bibles. Sent more free copies.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no change, nor shadow of turning.” ~ Ya’aqoḇ / James 1:17

Hello Team, HalleluYah! This is confirm that I have received the package. Thank you very much. (Free Copy)

“Draw near to Elohim and He shall draw near to you. Cleanse hands, sinners. And cleanse hearts, you doubled-minded!” ~ Ya’aqoḇ / James 4:8


HalleluYah, all praise, honor and esteem be unto YHWH and His wonderful Son who gave His life for us, for it is the Father and His Son that provide for the people.

Let us keep these brothers and sisters in our prayers, for they need them. They live in such harsh conditions and many have never seen nor owned a copy of His Word until now. They want us to express their heartfelt thanks and offer prayers to the Father for those that gave them a free copy.

I just received the HalleluYah scriptures along with the Torah book of YHWH. I am truly grateful for the work HalleluYah Scriptures does and praise Yah always!

“Worry for naught, but in all, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to YHWH.” ~ Pilipiyim/Philippians 4v6

Be assured, these are believers that love YHWH and His Son and are very grateful and thankful for the help, and most of all, a free copy of His Word to have for their whole family and learn from. HalleluYah!!!

Shaluwm Family, I just received my parcel (HalleluYah Scripture) today. Thank you so much for your generosity for giving it free for us. Im so excited to share it to my family and friends. Love you all. Yahuwah and Yahuwshuwa loves you more. Grateful heart.

“But you, O man of Elohim, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, reverence, belief, love, endurance, meekness.” ~ 1 Timotiyos/Timothy 6:11

Praises to the Most High YHWH and His Wonderful Son who have provided through believers all over the world. The HalleluYah Scriptures project has been able to send thousands upon thousands of free copies to brothers, sisters and groups in Africa. We have enjoyed working with a number of brethren throughout Africa.

The Name of the Father and His Son has grown in this continent and it has been wonderful to witness. Those coming to Truth and those who have been waiting for many years have been receiving freely and so many are rejoicing and praising the Most High, YHWH who deserves all the praise, honor and esteem.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this Blessing. My wife and I are trying hard to grow in journey and this is a great blessing. Free Copy was sent.

“Baruḵ is the man who endures trial, for when he has been proved, he shall receive the crown of ḥai which the Aḏon has promised to those who love Him.” ~ Ya’aqoḇ / James 1:12

HalleluYah Scriptures Feeding the Poor

HalleluYah, for the poor and orphan programs. This group below is in Namibia and we have been close to them for around 8 years now and it has been an honor to help where possible and again, only possible because you, His people, have helped:

May YHWH and His Son be praised and all honor and esteem be given to Them for all They have done for Their people through you.

If you know anyone that is in need of His Word who may have never seen nor owned a copy of a Restored Names Bible and have no means of affording, kindly let us know, as we love to hear about and do all we can for those in need.

Thank you so much for your support with prayer, fasting and donations. HalleluYah!

May He always show you favor,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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