Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Urgent Message For YHWH’S People – Enjoy The Photos

by | Aug 7, 2024

“And because of this we thank Elohim without ceasing, that when you received the Word of YHWH which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is truly, the Word of YHWH, which also works in you who believe.” 1 Tas’loniqim/1 Thessalonians 2:13 This message is very important, and we ask you to pray as you read this URGENT message that is for the Father’s people. It is for you to take notice of the clear warnings the Father is giving you, His people. The Father gave His people a strong warning 4 years ago with what was happening worldwide and now that warning is at our door and this time will be much harder and decisions will need to be made. You need to stock up the most important thing for His people, His Word.

Please read this urgent message for there has been a falling away and many more people who call themselves believers will fall and try and take as many people as they can. There is a great deception out there. The items in this article were donated by a group in the USA. They know this large group in Uganda and wanted to see them all have the Father’s Word and materials. Our dedicated Postal Agent in Uganda was more than pleased to hand deliver the hundreds of items for them to enjoy and they did they all were so touched by the HalleluYah Scriptures, materials, it was a wonderful day of rejoicing. All praises to the Most High.

HalleluYAH! Baruḵ be YHWH our Abba from whom gives every good gift! The HalleluYah Scriptures project has long been dedicated to bringing the Word of the Most High to every corner of the world, ensuring that those who are in desperate need of His guidance and love receive it free of charge. This mission, which is rooted in trust and unwavering commitment, has touched countless lives and brought trust and truth to some of the darkest places in the world.

There is still more work to do in the last days. We are asking you to please take stock and hold for the last days when you will not be able to contact us or order His Word or even received it. You got a touch of this when the systems went down a few days ago. This is only the testing part of the last days. All around us is war, floods, fires, earthquakes and eruptions to name a few. The collapse of the money system is at hand and we will wake one morning and it will be sudden destruction.

“Look, so shall the man be baruḵ who reveres YHWH. YHWH shall baraḵ you out of Tsiyon, and let you see the good of Yerushalayim all the days of your life.” -Tehillim 128:4-5

In these extraordinary times, we find ourselves at the threshold of a significant period, one that calls for urgent and unwavering action. The HalleluYah Scriptures project has always been about bringing the amazing Word to those who are most in need, spreading trust in places where darkness and despair often reign where people do not have His Word and had been crying out for it for year.
As we face the impending challenges of a worldwide lockdown, people having their bank accounts frozen, systems crashing, the world on the brink of WW3, Israel being surrounded and so much more is happening and going to happen, so, our mission takes on even greater urgency and significance.
It is a time to prepare, to stock up on the HalleluYah Scriptures, help others who cannot afford to stock up or even get a copy for their family, so they have His instructions in their hands, and to ensure that we are ready for the days ahead. You need to be able to share the Truth with people in those days for many will ask questions. These last days are not going to be a lovely and great time, but a testing and trying time. See what is said about this time as many feel it will be a great and wonderful day. Read Matt 24.
“Woe to you who are longing for the day of YHWH! What does the day of YHWH mean to you? It is darkness, and not light…” (Amos 5:18)
The signs are unmistakable; we are rapidly approaching the end days, a time that was foretold and is now coming to pass. As we stand on the brink of a worldwide destruction, the urgency of our mission has never been more apparent. This impending worldwide crash of all we know serves as a stark reminder of the critical times we are living in and the pressing need to spread the Father’s Word as far and wide as possible.
In these final days, the enemy is more determined than ever to hinder the dissemination of amazing truth, aiming to prevent those who are desperate for guidance and salvation from receiving the Truth and they can find it in the HalleluYah Scriptures.
We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history, one that demands swift and decisive action. The mission to prepare and stock up on the HalleluYah Scriptures is not merely an operational task; it is a spiritual imperative.
The urgency of this undertaking cannot be overstated, as the opportunity to freely distribute the Father’s Word may soon be curtailed by the forthcoming changes and the increasing restrictions on religious freedom. It is a time for us to mobilize, to rally together with a shared sense of purpose and determination, to ensure that the marvelous message reaches every corner of the world.
It is not a time to slander and hate your brother or sister, it is not a time to turn on each other but a time to stand shoulder to shoulder in strength, praying for each other not pulling each other down, the enemy and this world systems does enough of this. It is a time to repent and weep before the Father for we all will need Him through these coming days.
“For the Word of YHWH is living, and working, and sharper than any two- edged sword, cutting through even to the dividing of being and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Ibrim/Hebrews 4:12
The HalleluYah Scriptures team has been working tirelessly, driven by a sense of duty and work for the Most High. The task before us is immense, but our resolve is strong in the Father. Each copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures represents a beacon of light, a vessel of marvelous truth that can transform lives and bring people closer to the Father. As we prepare and stock up on these precious Scriptures, we are acutely aware of the responsibility we bear. The journey from the printing press to the hands of a believer is filled with challenges, but it is a journey we undertake with joy and reverence.
We want to ship more pallets into 3rd world countries where they have no options to cover costs and do this this we need your help. Shipping has tripled and prices have gone up and we want to finish the large print run we are doing now and get them out. People are crying out all over the world and we as a small team can only do a certain amount.
“In the day I am afraid, I trust in You. In Elohim, whose Word I praise, in Elohim I have trusted; I do not fear; What could flesh do to me?” – Tehillim / Psalm 56:3-4.
In these final days, as we prepare for the impending change that will affect us all worldwide, we urge everyone to reflect on the importance of this mission. The time to act is now. Let us come together, united in our commitment to spread His Word, and ensure that we are prepared for whatever lies ahead. The HalleluYah Scriptures are more than just books; they are lifelines of trust, vessels of truth, and symbols of the Father’s love. Downloads very soon will not work, the Father knows this and so do we, the internet/devices will be no more and many will be left without His Word.
Let us stock up on these precious Scriptures, ready to distribute them to those who need them most. With trust, perseverance, and unwavering dedication, we can continue to fulfill this sacred mission, bringing light and trust to the darkest corners of the world. HalleluYah. But we know we have limited time and need to get His Word into the hands of those who are without His Word.
Prophecies that have been foretold for millennia are unfolding before our very eyes, signalling that the culmination of history is at hand. As the ram’s horn blows loud and clear, calling us to attention, we must heed the warnings and prepare ourselves for what lies ahead. The end of how we lived is coming to an end for those who want to obey the Most High. Many will be tested and taken to the brink and even lose their lives for this Truth.
Our mission to spread the Father’s Word has never been more urgent than now. Please kindly do all you can to share His Truth and Word, there is no more urgent time than now.
In these times of unprecedented change and turmoil, it is impossible to ignore the signs that have been prophesied for hundreds of years, we understand that these times can be hard but truly we must do all we can for the Father and His people and if we stand together around the world we can draw strength together. Wars and rumors of wars, natural disasters, widespread deception, and moral decay are just a few of the indicators that we are living in the end days. The wickedness has increased more than ever over the last number of years.
The prophetic words of the prophets and apostles are being fulfilled with remarkable accuracy, providing a stark reminder that the time is short. As believers, it is our responsibility to remain vigilant, discerning the signs of the times and preparing ourselves and others for the imminent return of the Messiah.
“And now, brothers, I commit you to Elohim and to the Word of His favour, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those having been qadosh.” Ma’aseh/Acts 20:32
One of the most compelling aspects of the end times is the rapid fulfillment of biblical prophecies. The Book of Daniel, the Book of Revelation, and other prophetic writings have long foretold of a period of great tribulation and upheaval preceding the end of the age.
We are witnessing these prophecies come to life in real-time, with geopolitical tensions, economic instability, and societal unrest reaching unprecedented levels. The alignment of nations, the rise of worldwide powers, and the increasing persecution of believers are all part of the prophetic narrative, pointing to the imminent return of the King of Kings.
As we stand on the precipice of these momentous events, the urgency to stock up on the HalleluYah Scriptures cannot be overstated. The Word of YHWH is our most powerful weapon and our most vital source of strength and guidance. It is through the HalleluYah Scriptures that we come to know His Truth, His promises, and His plan for humanity. In times of darkness and confusion, the Word provides a beacon of light, showing us the path to salvation and eternal life. As the end days approach, it is essential that we ensure every believer, and those seeking truth, have access to the HalleluYah Scriptures.
“But He gives greater favour. Because of this He says, “Elohim resists the proud, but gives favour to the humble.” -Ya’aqob/James 4:6
Once His Word has reached the four corners of the world, the end shall come. We find ourselves standing at this pivotal juncture, a moment that has been prophesied and anticipated throughout the ages. The gravity of this moment cannot be overstated, for it signifies the fulfillment of a marvelous mandate that has been in motion since time immemorial.
The spread of His Word to every corner of the world is not merely a mission; it is a covenant to the enduring power of trust, the relentless pursuit of truth, and the unwavering commitment to the Most High. The HalleluYah Scriptures played a large part in fulfilling this Scripture and we know that the 4 corners have been covered with only a few places left. A Sister in Dubai was able to help Sisters take the HalleluYah Scriptures back to Lebanon, the HalleluYah Scriptures are in many countries like, Syria, Korea Iraq, Iran and many places in the Middle East as it is in China, Japan, Russia, Hong Kong and countries that forbid His Word.
As His Word continues to spread, bringing light and truth to the farthest reaches of the earth, we are witnessing the culmination of efforts driven by trust, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to YHWH. It has been a journey filled with moments of profound joy, miraculous provision, and undeniable evidence of the Father’s guiding hand. We have seen the Father protect and save His Word from the wicked since it was printed. He has battle hard at times but always won. He has always provided for those in needy over the years and the team has done all they can and the best we could of in each situation.
It is not a time to store up material things, it is not a time to be comfortable but a time to rise up and do all you can to help those who do not have His Word. If we have to beg you to take stock to share in the last days or help us find those in need of His Word, those in 3rd world countries, prisoners, homeless, new believers and those who just cannot afford and are in desperate need of His Word.
The mandate to spread His Word is one that transcends time and space. It is a mission that has been carried out by countless generations, each contributing to the grand tapestry of marvelous purpose. From the earliest days of the apostles to the modern efforts of the HalleluYah Scriptures Project, the commitment to share His truth has remained steadfast. This mission has seen the trustful traversing deserts, crossing oceans, and navigating the complexities of modern society to ensure that every heart has the opportunity to encounter the Word of the Most High. We have tried to find all in need through believers like you.
“And the peace of YHWH, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Yahshua Ha’Mashiaḥ.” ~Pilipiyim/Philippians 4:7
In these final days, the urgency of our mission has never been more apparent. The impending worldwide changes is a stark reminder of the obstacles that lie ahead and the enemy’s relentless efforts to thwart the spread of His Word. The first worldwide shutdown serves as both a warning and a call to action and the next one will not be so easy on His people. We must act swiftly and decisively, preparing and stocking up on the HalleluYah Scriptures before it is too late. If you love Him please love those in need of His Word. If you are a long-term supporter and are known by us kindly contact us so we can arrange stock for you to hold and share in the last days.
“I barak YHWH at all times; His praise is continually in my mouth. My being shall boast in YHWH; Let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, make YHWH great with me, And let us exalt His Name together.” -Tehillim/Psalms 34:1-3
The enemy’s attempts to thwart the dissemination of the Father’s Word and instruction book are multifaceted. From logistical challenges in shipping and distribution to the persecution of believers in various parts of the world, the opposition is relentless.  The hate, abuse, slander and death threats towards this project and team have been relentless, but we have always put it before the Father for the battle is not flesh and blood but a spiritual battle against the Father and His Word and this has been happening since the beginning of the printing of His Word.
The Father made it very clear when He gave the vision for the HalleluYah Scriptures that we are not to battle or open our mouth to defend His Word for His Word does not belong to anyone but Him. He has always won but a time is coming very soon when we will not be able to do this work for the night is coming that no man will be able to work so openly.
Yet, each attempt to obstruct this marvelous mission only serves to strengthen our determination and deepen our reliance on the Most High. We are reminded that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces that seek to undermine the work of the Father.
Despite these adversities, the HalleluYah Scriptures Project continues to work for the Father for the brethren. Let us pause and say a huge HALLELUYAH. Praise be to the Most High for the remarkable work He has accomplished through this special project. May we continue to be vessels of His love, bringing light to the darkest corners of despair and trust to those who need it most. The HalleluYah Scriptures Project belongs to Him, and He will never let down His people who are seeking Him. Let us raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving, for the Father deserves all the esteem and power.
“Come, let us sing to YHWH! Let us raise a shout to the Rock of our deliverance. Let us come before His face with thanksgiving; Let us raise a shout to Him in song. For YHWH is a great Ěl, And a great Sovereign above all mighty ones. In whose hand are the depths of the earth; The mountain peaks are His also.” Tehillim/Psalms 95:1-4
In the days and weeks ahead, we remain committed to the cause of serving the most vulnerable among us until the internet has gone for the project and team. This is something that is planned by the enemy and this team and project will not take on any system inside or outside our bodies to continue this work. The Father has made it clear that when the internet has been taken from us then the end is over for the project publicly. Our prayer is that His people will have stock to then go on and share with those asking questions and who will stand strong under pressure. As you know the Bible will be banned and you will need to be prayerful over what you have.
Guided by the timeless values of love, compassion, and justice, we forge ahead with confidence, knowing that the Father’s birekoth will continue to accompany us on this journey. May we continue to be vessels of His love, bringing light to the darkest corners of despair and trust to those who need it most. As we prepare and distribute the HalleluYah Scriptures, we do so with hearts full of praise and thanksgiving, knowing that we are fulfilling a sacred duty that transcends time and space. HalleluYah.
“See, days are coming,” declares the Adon YHWH, “that I shall send a hunger in the land, not a hunger for bread, nor a thirst for water, but for hearing the Words of YHWH.  “And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from north to east – they shall diligently search, seeking the Word of YHWH, but they shall not find it.”Amos 8: 11-12
Please take note of this verse above as this is very clear in the world now. We must be that light for the Father and do all we can to reach those in need before it is to late.
The end may be near, but the work continues with renewed vigor and unwavering trust. Each step we take, each copy we distribute, and each heart we touch brings us closer to fulfilling the amazing mandate. In the face of adversity, we stand strong, knowing that the Most High is with us, guiding and protecting us every step of the way, He has always done this for the project and team who live a simple and basic life for we have no time for houses or material things as we give around 12 to 16 hours a day 5/6 days a week, for we have dedicated our lives to Him. We live a basic life with very little and love it that way.
This is an urgent kind reminder for everyone as this is unpredictable time so get your HalleluYah Scriptures ready and stock up before it is too late. HALLELUYAH for the remarkable journey of the HalleluYah Scriptures Project, for the unwavering trust of the evangelists, and for the boundless generosity of the supporters who have made this possible. May His Word continue to spread, illuminating hearts and minds across the world, now and in the years to come.
“Worry for naught, but in all, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to YHWH. And the peace of YHWH, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Mashiah Yahushua.” Pilipiyim/Philippians 4:6-7
We want to take the time to say a very special thank you to all those who have prayed, fasted and donated over time, all of this work would have been much harder without you, kindly know your reward is with the Father, do not let the enemy steal that from you through those who do not have eyes to see the amazing work the Father has done through you His people. The team has never ever asked for personal funds, thanks or praise for it all belongs to the Most High.
May the HalleluYah Scriptures project continue to thrive and may the prayers and support of you His people be a source of berakah and protection for all involved. For more updates and orders, please visit the website. You will see the amazing work the Father has done with His Word for His Word belongs to Him and Him alone and no man’s name is to be on it or upon it for He is the Author and Finisher of His Word.  
please visit  and stock your Scriptures and get ready for the spiritual warfare Let us stand strong and know we are praying for you and will continue to until we all meet again.


If you can help support others in need around the world and or help those who have no option of affording kindly consider donating, we need your help to do as much as we can before the time runs out.
The Greatest Works in modern history is the HalleluYah Scriptures. There is no other project/ministry since the printing of the first Bible. There has never been a FREE Restored Names Bible for those who cannot afford. Free to those who cannot afford supported by those who can. The project has completed many special editions that have never been done before like the Hebrew/English Parallel, the special one of a kind the 4×4, 4 languages in one, English, Biblica Hebrew, Complete Editon, Waterproof Edito and so much more. These editions are limited and very special.
When you support this work, you help others in need. There is no better gift you can give than His Word. It is cheaper to get His Word into the hands of those who need it than sending a group to preach to the converted and then leave after a few days. With His Word the people have all the teaching and guidance they need. Please help us to reach those in need who cannot afford.
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With Much Love We Thank You for standing with us,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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