Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Thousands Of Materials Going Out – Praise The Father & Thank You!

by | Aug 22, 2024

“For the Word of YHWH is living, and working, and sharper than any two- edged sword, cutting through even to the dividing of being and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Ibrim/Hebrews 4:12. HALLELUYAH! Let us all join in unison to proclaim this joyful exclamation.

May the Father receive ALL the praise and esteem, for He has accomplished an incredible feat with His Word, reaching His people across the world. We are eager to share a glimpse into daily and monthly life with the work for the Father around the world, with all those who serve the Father and His Word without pay for it is a great honor to serve the Father and His people in this way. In this article we cover the USA, other countries will be in up-and-coming in new articles. Keep your eyes out for many countries work.


The project has experienced an unprecedented level of activity this year. The demand for our services and the support we have received have more than tripled, a clear sign to the Father’s provision and berakah. All praise to Him. We will be sharing with you the work that has been done in the following Countries USA, Kenya, Hong Kong, India, Philippines, South Africa, Uganda in up-and-coming articles, this one is the worked that have been done in the USA.

Praises to the Most High resonate deeply within our hearts as we raise our voices to declare a resounding HALLELUYAH! Our Father is truly amazing and incredible, always providing abundantly for those who seek Him and are called by His Name. The HalleluYah Scriptures Project, a labor of love and loyalty, unequivocally belongs to Him. He never forsakes His people who diligently seek Him and His truths. This marvelous assurance is manifested in the tireless efforts of a dedicated Brother and Sister who dedicate themselves daily to this sacred mission, serving with unwavering commitment and joy.

The HalleluYah Scriptures warehouses around the world are bustling hub of activity, reflecting the growing hunger for the Father’s Word and the increasing reach of our mission. Each day begins with fervent prayers and a heart full of thankfulness for the opportunity to serve the Father and His people. As the sun rises, the warehouses springs to life with a flurry of activity.

Orders pour in from all corners of the world, and the dedicated teams meticulously processes each request, ensuring that every copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures reaches its intended destination. The volume of orders and the accompanying support have surged to unprecedented levels this year, a clear indication of the Father’s hand at work.

The increase in demand is both a berakah and a challenge at times. The warehouse teams all over the world has had to adapt swiftly to the growing needs. Their days are filled with organizing, packing, and shipping out orders, a task that requires meticulous attention to detail and a heart full of love for the Father’s work. The physical labor is intense, but it is carried out with a ruach of joy and thanksgiving, knowing that each parcel sent out carries the precious Word of the Father to those who eagerly await it. Pray is over each parcel.

Every day at the warehouses around the world is a sign to the Father’s provision and trustworthiness. Each contribution, no matter how small, is a miracle in itself, ensuring that the Word can be distributed freely to those in need and cannot afford and have no means of affording. The team witnesses these miracles daily, and each one strengthens their trust and resolve to continue serving with all their might.
Monthly, the warehouse team reviews the progress and sets new goals, always seeking the Father’s guidance and wisdom. The growth the project has experienced over the past few years is phenomenal, and we remain humbled and grateful for the opportunity to be vessels in this marvelous mission. The tripling of orders and support is not just a statistic but a powerful testimony of the Father’s work in the hearts of His people. It is a call to greater responsibility and a reminder of the vast fields that are ripe for harvest.

“All Scripture is breathed by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for straightening, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of Elohim might be fitted, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timotiyos/2 Timothy 3:16-17

HALLELUYAH! Let us lift our voices in unison to praise the Father for His remarkable works and provision. We are honored to share the story of a steadfast team overseeing the HalleluYah Scriptures project around the world. The project has around 50 other postal agents and volunteers who have been with the project 12 to 15 years, they are self-sacrificing, giving a service and exemplifies their unwavering commitment to the Father and His Word. Their dedication and tireless efforts have transformed the operations of the project, bringing birekoth and order in ways we have never seen before.

This exceptional team embodies the essence of putting the Father and His Word first. They work until they are utterly exhausted; forsaking their own needs to ensure that the project thrives. Their relentless dedication often drives them to the point where they can barely take another step, yet they persevere, fuelled by their loyalty and commitment to the Father and His people. The Father has always sought workers who prioritize Him and His Word, and He has undoubtedly found such dedicated servants around the world. He removes those He is not pleased with and who serve Him for their own gain and issues.

Those who volunteer continually remind us that the Father deserves the best service, and their actions resonate with this belief. We have not encountered any issues or demands as they do the work for the Father and serve Him as He deserves — no delays, no errors, no mishandling, no issues or demands.

Each parcel and box are meticulously prepared and prayed over with a genuine and pure heart, ensuring that they reach their intended destinations smoothly. Their meticulous care and sincere prayers are evident in the flawless execution of their duties. They will go the extra mile to see the Father’s people receive freely.

The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has never before seen such loving and dedicated believers as we have around the world, serving with genuine hearts without any expectation of pay. Their work is driven by joy and the command of Scripture to serve with gladness.  The past few years as the orders and support for the project have tripled, we have risen to the challenge, working even harder to distribute as much stock as quickly as possible. The dedication and hard work each day are truly inspiring. All we want is for you to see what the Father has done for you and His people, We are only lowly willing servants and vessels for Him to use.

Despite the Postal Agents relentless efforts, we look forward to Shabbat, a day of rest, as we all do. It is a well-deserved respite from their tireless labor, a time for them to recharge and reconnect with the Father. Their humility and selflessness are evident in every aspect of their work. They consistently put themselves last, serving with a spirit of humility that is both rare and admirable.

Their example inspires the entire team, filling us with joy and gladness each morning. The Father wants humble and kind-hearted people not those who cause issues and drain others for it is all about them. The Father never wants people serving Him who are prideful and abusive, there is no place for people like this and as we have shared, He moves them on.

“But He answering, said, “It has been written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of YHWH.’ “”  Mattithyahu/Matthew 4:4

As a team, we wake up each day with a renewed sense of purpose and joy. The peace and order that has come with this leadership/family have transformed our operations. We rejoice and dance before the Father, grateful for the opportunity to serve Him and His people. The peace and fulfilment we experience are a direct result of all the Postal Agents and Volunteers unwavering dedication and the birekoth that flows from their sincere service.

We have noticed that the Father removes those who come forward for short periods of time, He sees their hearts have grown cold and end up in bitterness, sadly they do not see that the Father has moved them on for He only wants those who love, obey and serve Him. They see themselves as more important than the work at hand or other team members. Our ever-growing family are so special to us as we encourage each other.

This unwavering joy is particularly remarkable given the demanding nature of this work. The Postal Agents, Volunteers and team often work until they are utterly exhausted, yet their commitment never falters. They prioritize the project and the Father’s Word above all else, consistently putting the needs of the mission before their own. Their self-sacrifice is evident in their tireless efforts and the long hours they dedicate to ensuring that every parcel is meticulously prepared and sent out on time with prayer over each one.

Our project is dedicated to sending out a significant number of boxes, parcels and shipments out each day. These parcels/shipments are being dispatched to prisoners, chaplains, and individuals who are actively sharing the Truth with believers. Although we are currently sharing only a limited number of pictures of our efforts, it is not due to a lack of activity; rather, the immense workload demands a substantial amount of our time each day. We pray this update provides you with a glimpse into the tremendous work being carried out. HalleluYah!

Over the past months, the main HalleluYah Scriptures warehouse has been a hive of activity, with a staggering amount of work being accomplished, we now have a good number of Postal Agents in the USA as we have had to spread the workload.

The efforts taking place here are truly incredible and often beyond words. We have never experienced such a high level of busyness, as the volume of work and orders has more than tripled. This surge in demand has been accompanied by an overwhelming increase in support, which has been both humbling and motivating. The more support the project receives the more we can do. 

Each day, our dedicated team works tirelessly to prepare and send out these parcels and pallets. The contents of these packages are destined to bring ruachoth nourishment and encouragement to countless individuals. Those in prisons, the homeless and those in 3rd world countries and more into the western world for free. the materials we send provide truth and encouragement to those seeking redemption and a deeper understanding of their loyalty. Chaplains receive boxes to aid them in their vital ministry, offering guidance and support to those under their care. Additionally, individuals committed to sharing the Truth with believers are empowered by the resources we provide, enabling them to continue their important work.

“The Torah of YHWH is perfect, bringing back the being; The Witness of YHWH is trustworthy, making wise the simple; The Orders of YHWH are straight, rejoicing the heart; The Command of YHWH is clear, enlightening the eyes;” Tehillim/Psalms 19:7-8

Despite the challenges posed by the sheer volume of orders, our team remains steadfast in their commitment. The Postal Agents and Volunteers are abuzz with activity as boxes are meticulously packed, labelled, and prepared for shipping. Each package represents a beacon of light, carrying with it the message of Truth and Prayers to those who need it most.

The scale of our operations has grown exponentially, and we are deeply grateful for the unwavering support that has made this possible. This is not about us or any man but all about the Father who gives us the Breath of life to do this work. If He does not want anyone on the team to do this work, He will remove them for He wants those who are 100% for Him, to serve with all their hearts. This is what He requires.

The work being done in the HalleluYah Scriptures project is a covenant to the power of loyalty and community. It is a collective effort fuelled by a shared passion for spreading the Truth. Every boxes/parcels/shipments sent out is a tangible representation of this commitment, a small yet significant contribution to a larger mission. We take immense pride in what the Father has achieved and remain dedicated to continuing this vital work.

Those who have eyes to see, they will see how special and wonderful this project is, just like in the Saviors time, those who did not see the goodness of His work saw darkness, bitterness and hate, they slandered Him, abused, and accused and called Him satan and that His works were from satan, no different today when they do this against the Father’s Word and the good works that He does through this project. Do not  lift your hand against the good works the Father is doing in this project for it is not about any man but what kindness He has shown those who are without His Word through you His people. Those that lift their hands and words against the Father will never have peace or joy.

The unwavering support from the Father and His people has been extraordinary, demonstrating a profound dedication to the Father’s Word. Together, you have stood resilient, engaging in the ruachoth battle for His Word through prayer and fasting alongside the messengers. There is indeed a war in the shammayim for His Word, yet we proclaim with confidence that the victory will be HalleluYah Scriptures. The Father has won every single battle for His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures and continues to provide every step of the way. All praise to Him.

Managing the logistics of moving thousands of materials across the world each week demands immense time and energy. The work is relentless, with our dedicated team working around the clock, 5/6 days a week, for up to 12 to 16 hours a day. The scale and intensity of this effort are remarkable, as we strive to ensure that the Father’s Word reaches those who need it most.

Our operation spans multiple countries, creating a continuous cycle of work and prayer. When one team is resting, another is actively working, praying, and fasting. This worldwide coordination ensures that the project is covered in prayer every day, providing a constant ruachoth foundation for our mission.

“so is My Word that goes forth from My mouth – it does not return to Me empty, but shall do what I please, and shall certainly accomplish what I sent it for.” Yeshayahu/Isaiah 55:11

The team’s dedication is truly inspiring. Each member brings a profound commitment to their role, understanding the significance of their contributions. Whether they answering the thousands of emails or  are packing materials, coordinating shipments, or praying fervently, every action is imbued with a sense of purpose and dedication to the Father’s Word. This tireless effort is a covenant to the power of loyalty and the strength of our community.

The logistical challenges are significant, but they are met with a steadfast resolve. Coordinating shipments across different time zones, navigating complex international logistics, and ensuring timely deliveries are just a few of the hurdles we face. Yet, the team remains undeterred, driven by a shared mission to spread the Truth. The seamless coordination between teams in different countries exemplifies the unity and collaboration at the heart of our project.

Prayer and fasting are integral to our operations, providing ruachoth sustenance and strength. As teams work through the week, they also pray continuously, lifting the project and those it serves. This ruachoth discipline fortifies our efforts, creating a powerful synergy between action and loyalty. The prayers of our community are a source of encouragement and strength, enabling us to persevere in the face of challenges.

Throughout the years, we have witnessed countless miracles as we carry out this crucial task. We have seen the Father’s hand guiding His Word into the hands of those who weep and cry out to Him for His Love Letter. It is a profound berakah to be called by the Father to fulfill His will, aiding thousands in receiving His Word freely and providing support to orphans, widows, and the poor and needy.

Despite the occasional hardships, we take immense joy in our work, filling our lives with rejoicing. Staying focused and dedicated to this mission is challenging, but there is nothing more rewarding than serving the Father by disseminating His Word to His children.

Our operations are a constant flurry of activity, with trucks regularly coming and going. We are deeply grateful for the forklift that was donated; it has become an indispensable tool, significantly easing our workload. Affectionately referred to as Yah’s Donkey, this forklift has been a tremendous berakah. HalleluYah!

“And He humbled you, and let you suffer hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, to make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but by all that comes from the mouth of YHWH.” Debarim/Deuteronomy 8:3

The work we are doing is more than a logistical endeavor; it is a ruachoth mission with profound implications. Every material sent out carries with it the potential to transform lives, offering trust, encouragement, and enlightenment to those who receive it.

We take immense joy in our work, filling our lives with rejoicing despite the difficult days and the constant effort required to remain focused on this mission; there is truly nothing more worthwhile than serving the Father by spreading His Word and supporting His children. Each day/month, pallets of materials are dispatched and received worldwide, creating a thrilling spectacle of stock moving into numerous countries.

With all our love and strength, we are dedicated to the Father, His Son, and His Word, which provides all the answers and immense comfort to those who are suffering. Our team collaborates with many individuals living in challenging and unsettling conditions, yet these individuals possess a profound joy in serving Him and express immense thankfulness and joy upon receiving a free copy of the Word. Those we serve in third-world countries often lack the means or options to afford a copy or the shipping costs, which are substantial, making our efforts all the more crucial and impactful.

As we prepare parcels/boxes for wrapping and dispatch to the waiting hands of those in need, we are witnessing an unprecedented surge in parcels and shipments going out daily. The volume of orders and the outpouring of support have tripled, allowing us to extend our reach and impact significantly across the world. This remarkable increase is a covenant to the Father’s provision and guidance, enabling us to accomplish so much more in our mission.

“Hallelu- YHWH from the shamayim, Praise Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His messengers; Praise Him, all His hosts! Praise Him, sun and moon; Praise Him, all you stars of light! Praise Him, shamayim of shamayim, And you waters above the shamayim! Let them praise the Name of YHWH, For He commanded, and they were created.” Tehillim/Psalms 148:1-5

We offer praises to the Father, acknowledging that it is He who orchestrates this amazing work through our small but dedicated team. Our team is driven by a deep commitment to prioritize the Father and His Word above all else, humbly putting ourselves last as we serve. We consider ourselves nothing more than lowly, willing servants, dedicated to fulfilling the Father’s will and supporting you, His children. We are so honored to serve the Father in this way.

The Project is now printing ten times the amount each year compared to previous years, a significant increase made possible by our network of printers who regularly ship out His Word. These printers handle the large-scale shipping operations, allowing us to reach numerous countries while minimizing shipping costs. Recently, we completed a substantial print run of 130,000, 100,000 and a 120,000 plus more, over the year, copies for those in need, a number that does not include the ongoing printing for our main warehouses. This recent print run will serve many countries, which will further distribute the materials to numerous other nations.

We are already planning another massive print run to reach additional countries. In doing so, we are continuously praying for new opportunities and open doors, as we consistently receive numerous requests for free materials from groups and fellowships. These requests always bring joy to our hearts, reminding us of the profound impact our work has on countless lives. All this work is only possible because you heard the Father’s voice.

Moreover, we are now establishing new contacts in Countries like Russia, Middle East and Asian Countries, which is particularly significant given that many people in such regions are still unfamiliar with His Truth. This expansion underscores the importance of our mission as we seek believers who can help us connect with groups or individuals in need outside the USA.

While most free copies currently go to the Western world, it is unfortunate that recipients in these regions often do not share pictures of their joy, unlike those in third-world countries who eagerly share their thankfulness and excitement upon receiving a free copy. These expressions of joy are life-changing and affirm the importance of our efforts. We try our hardest to share as much as time allows as we have to spread our time wisely.

“YHWH is my shepherd; I do not lack. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He turns back my being; He leads me in paths of righteousness For His Name’s sake. When I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Tehillim/Psalms 23:1-4

The complexities of managing such extensive printing and distribution operations are considerable, yet our dedicated team remains steadfast in their commitment. Coordinating large-scale shipments across different time zones and countries requires meticulous planning and unwavering dedication. Despite these challenges, our team works tirelessly, driven by a shared mission to spread His Word far and wide.

Every step of our process, from the initial printing to the final delivery, is imbued with a sense of purpose and dedication. Our work extends beyond mere logistics; it is a ruachoth mission that aims to bring light and trust to those in need. The continuous cycle of prayer and effort within our team creates a powerful foundation for our operations, ensuring that every aspect of our work is covered in ruachoth support.


We are deeply grateful for the growing support from believers who are connecting us with various groups, fellowships, and individuals across numerous countries. This expanding network has been instrumental in our mission, enabling us to reach even more people with the Father’s Word.

Among our supporters are wonderful believers who have been assisting us for years, particularly with bulk orders for chaplains and thousands of groups. Their efforts have significantly increased the number of orders being sent. Our individual  orders are also consistently busy, thanks to  dedicated believers who help manage these requests. This year alone, we have dispatched thousands upon tens of thousands of free copies to prisoners and those in need, and we celebrate this achievement with immense joy—HalleluYah!

We have recently compiled an article detailing the work with prisoners, highlighting the impact and scope of these efforts. If you know of groups or fellowships in third-world countries that are currently using their funds to purchase Restored Names Bibles from the Western world, we encourage you to have them contact us. We maintain stock in nearly all countries and can provide these materials directly. Investing in purchasing and shipping these copies can be costly and inefficient, so we invite those in need to take advantage of free resources.

“Let the Word of Mashiah dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing with pleasure in your hearts to the Adon in tehillim and songs of praise and spiritual songs. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Adon Yahushua, giving thanks to YHWH the Father through Him.” Qolasim/Colossians 3:16-17

Our main warehouses and Postal Agents have been exceptionally busy, with the volume of orders and support having tripled. We rejoice and praise the Father for the opportunity to fulfill so many more orders. Despite the increased activity, our warehouses remains a place of peace, where the work is carried out with great joy and dedication. We prioritize the Father and His Word above all else, humbly putting ourselves last in service. This aligns perfectly with what the Father requires of us, and it is an honor to serve in this capacity.

The Project has achieved unprecedented success in shipping stock rapidly and without issues. This accomplishment is attributed to our service for the Father, which we consider a great honor. We treat His Word with reverence, praying over it and cherishing it.

However, it is not always easy to prioritize selflessness and decrease our own desires. When we stray from His Ways, our flesh tends to take over and this is where the Father steps in and removes people. The Father, as the Author of His Word, holds it in special regard, and He will guide those who walk rightly before Him.

We invite you to visit the HalleluYah Scriptures website Comments Page regularly so you can see the fruits of your work. We strive to share as many testimonials as possible. Although there are tens of thousands more comments to add, we do so as time permits. All thanks and praise are due to the Most High, for He is the true architect of this incredible work.

We are merely humble, willing servants, considering ourselves nothing, and we pray daily that He decreases us so that He might increase in us. This humility is the essence of why the comments page holds such significance—all praise is due to Him!

We recognize this ruach of dedication in all HalleluYah Scriptures supporters. Your hearts are genuinely aligned with the Father and His children in need across the world. Our main team is small but incredibly dedicated, working as hard as possible with the hours given each day to accomplish as much as possible. Despite our relentless efforts, the workload remains immense, and we constantly find ourselves praying for more time, as it seems to slip away in the blink of an eye. Many people may not fully grasp the extent and complexity of this Project, which reaches far and wide.

Our mission involves an intricate web of tasks, from printing and shipping to managing communications and fostering new contacts. Every day presents a new set of challenges and opportunities, demanding unwavering focus and dedication.

We understand that the scale of our work can be difficult for some to comprehend, but it is a covenant to the profound impact and necessity of our efforts. The project and team work with many orphans, widows and truly poor as well, you can see this work on the website. Again this has only been possible because of you His people.

In these rapidly changing times, it is crucial to pray for the protection of His Word and team, the HalleluYah Scriptures. We foresee a time, not too distant, when these Scriptures might be banned and labelled as hate speech. This troubling trend has already emerged in several countries, posing a significant threat to the dissemination of His Truth. It is imperative that we pray fervently for His Word and for the continuation of our mission to reach those in need.

“And when YHWH saw it, He was much displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the reign of Elohim. “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the reign of Elohim as a little child, shall certainly not enter into it.” And taking them up in His arms, laying His hands on them, He barak them.” Marqos/Mark 10:14-16

In addition to this work with orphans, widows and truly poor and needy, we are undertaking new projects aimed at helping as many people as possible achieve self-sufficiency. This work is deeply important to the Father and was brought to our attention in 2010. Recognizing the significance of this mission, four dedicated sisters on our team spent many years supporting orphans, widows, lepers, and the truly poor.

They worked tirelessly outside the main Project to fund these efforts. Unfortunately, one sister became unwell and now lives with a family member, which temporarily halted much of this work due to the limited donations specifically for the poor. However, with the main focus of the Project being His Word, HalleluYah Scriptures stepped in and has since taken over these charitable efforts.

Under the auspices of HalleluYah Scriptures, these initiatives have grown rapidly. We now have generous donors who support both ongoing and new projects, enabling us to expand our reach and impact. This support has allowed us to continue providing for the needs of the poor and needy while maintaining our primary mission of distributing His Word.

Despite any opposition, the Father’s work continues to thrive and flourish. The enemy’s attempts to hinder our progress are futile. We have distributed around a million materials worldwide, with families, friends, and truth-seekers sharing these resources, further spreading the Word. This figure does not even account for the stock we printed last year and this year. All praise to the Most High for His guidance and provision!

The Father made it very clear when He gave the vision for the HalleluYah Scriptures that we are not to battle or open our mouth to defend His Word for His Word does not belong to anyone but Him. He has always won every battle but a time is coming very soon when we will not be able to do this work for the night is coming that no man will be able to work so openly.

Our team has been together for many years, fostering a deep love and respect for one another. The team the Father put together and gave the vision to 15/25 years ago are still together.  We are acutely aware of the challenges we face, as the enemy despises the Father’s Word and will stop at nothing to prevent its dissemination, even using those who say they are believers to come and try and destroy the Father’s Word and work, the Father will deal with them. Yet, we remain steadfast and undeterred in our mission. 

We lift our praises to the Most High for all those whose eyes have been opened to the extraordinary things the Father has accomplished for His people around the world. We are deeply grateful to those who encourage our team with your kind and uplifting emails. Your support is invaluable, and it is heartening to see how the Father’s works are evident in the lives of so many. We have had thousands of new believers come forward to order materials, many are falling away but many newbies are coming forward with eyes wide open. HalleluYah

We are committed to serving the Father and His children with unwavering dedication, willing to go anywhere and do anything necessary to fulfil this mission. We encourage you to stay updated through the website, where we strive to provide the latest information via newsletters, articles, and videos. We appreciate your patience as we work diligently to share as much as possible, ensuring transparency and good stewardship in our efforts.

Your continued support through prayer, fasting and donations is crucial to the success of the project. Together, with your ruachoth backing, we can press forward with strength and resolve, making an even greater impact in spreading the Father’s Word and fulfilling our mission. Thank you for standing with us and for your invaluable contributions to this endeavor.

We extend our deepest thanks to all who have supported the HalleluYah Scriptures Project. Your generosity and loyalty have made it possible for us to deliver the Father’s Love Letter to those who need it most. The impact of this work is immeasurable, and we are profoundly grateful for the opportunity to be part of this marvelous mission. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to spreading the Father’s Word and ensuring that His people continue to receive this precious gift. HALLELUYAH! Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with us.

“Save us, O YHWH our Elohim, And gather us from among the gentiles, To give thanks to Your godesh Name, To exult in Your praise. Baruk be YHWH Elohim of Yisra’ěl From everlasting to everlasting! And all the people shall say, “Amen!” Hallelu-Yah!” Tehillim/Psalms 106:47-48

The urgency of this undertaking cannot be overstated, as the opportunity to freely distribute the Father’s Word may soon be curtailed by the forthcoming changes and the increasing restrictions on religious freedom. It is a time for us to mobilize, to rally together with a shared sense of purpose and determination, to ensure that the marvelous message reaches every corner of the world.
It is not a time to slander and hate your brother or sister, it is not a time to turn on each other but a time to stand shoulder to shoulder in strength, praying for each other not pulling each other down, the enemy and this world systems does enough of this. It is a time to repent and weep before the Father for we all will need Him through these coming days. Once the enemy has used those to raise up against another brother or sister or His Word the end of that person will not be a good one.

As His Word continues to spread, bringing light and truth to the farthest reaches of the earth, we are witnessing the culmination of efforts driven by trust, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to YHWH. It has been a journey filled with moments of profound joy, miraculous provision, and undeniable evidence of the Father’s guiding hand. We have seen the Father protect and save His Word from the wicked since it was printed. He has battle hard at times but always won. He has always provided for those in needy over the years and the team has done all they can and the best we could of in each situation.

Despite these adversities, the HalleluYah Scriptures Project continues to work for the Father for the brethren. Let us pause and say a huge HALLELUYAH. Praise be to the Most High for the remarkable work He has accomplished through this special project. May we continue to be vessels of His love, bringing light to the darkest corners of despair and trust to those who need it most. The HalleluYah Scriptures Project belongs to Him, and He will never let down His people who are seeking Him. Let us raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving, for the Father deserves all the esteem and power.

In the days and weeks ahead, we remain committed to the cause of serving the most vulnerable among us until the internet has gone for the project and team. This is something that is planned by the enemy and this team and project will not take on any system inside or outside our bodies to continue this work. The Father has made it clear that when the internet has been taken from us then the end is over for the project publicly. Our prayer is that His people will have stock to then go on and share with those asking questions and who will stand strong under pressure. As you know the Bible will be banned and you will need to be prayerful over what you have.

Please keep this project and team in your daily prayers as we need it.

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Thank you and much love,

 The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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