“O YHWH, Your kindness is in the shamayim, and Your trustworthiness reaches to the clouds.” – Psalm/Tehillim 36:5
Please join us in praising the Father and His Son for providing His Word to His people. We are so excited to share about this elder (Elder Bong Tion) and his fellowship in the Philippines. As you can see, they are truly poor but rich in love for the Father, His Son and His Word. The excitement they experienced when they received their parcel from the HalleluYah Scriptures team was beyond words.
The young and the old received a FREE copy of the Father’s love letter (with His and His Son’s Precious Names on it) for the very first time and it is the most treasured possession they could ever own.
The joy on that day was amazing and hearts were changed forever. It does not take much to bring such joy to a brother and sister who belong to YHWH.
Elder Bong was so joyful to share the HalleluYah Scriptures with his fellowship.. Just look at the smiles and joy on the faces. Many were stunned when given a copy and when a photo is taken as the “shock” of receiving the Father’s Word for the first time is truly awesome.
There are about 100 million people in the Philippines and it is a secular nation having a constitution separating the state and church. However, more than 90% of the population are Christians: about 80% belong to the Roman Catholic so there is a lot of work to be done in this country.
The people are very open to truth when it is shared but one of the problems is when someone shares the truth and has a bible with titles or the wrong names it is hard for the person to see and understand. We have had a number who have expressed that they struggle with sharing as people cannot see the true Names so they welcome the HalleluYah Scriptures.
We truly weep when we receive these photographs, as they touched our hearts so deeply — Such a small thing to us in the western world is a huge thing to those who are without and who have no options of affording.
Those who have donated to make this happen, your reward is from the Father as you have done an amazing thing and have given life to these people.
They can never repay you for this most valuable gift but our Father in the shamayim will. They do not desire for an expensive car, home nor material things as that does not mean anything to them. They express they would be happy with a copy of His Word and are happy to share it with their family. We consider it a great honor to serve the Father, His Son and His people who are in need of the most basic need and the most important thing in their lives. Please help us help others as there is no better gift. Please kindly pray for these believers as they are our brothers and sisters. We want to pass on their gratitude and thanks to those who have donated to make this happen. HalleluYah.
They do not have the basic’s in life like most of us in the western world have. What most make in a day would be a months’ worth of wages if not more for many in the Philippines. They do not have the most basic things we all take for granted. So the gift of His Word brings such comfort and joy into their lives and anwsers their prayers.
“Barak YHWH, O my being,
And all that is within me, His qodesh Name!…
Barak YHWH, O my being, and do not forget all His dealings,
Who forgives all your wickedness, Who heals all your diseases,
Who redeems your hai from destruction,
Who crowns you with kindness and compassion,
Who satisfies your desire with the good.” – Psalm/Tehillim 103:1-5
Look at these special believers, how sweet they are and now they have a copy of His Word. This is the true heart of the HalleluYah Scriptures project. Be assured your donation to printing and shipping of the Halleluyah Scriptures goes to those in genuine need. HalleluYah!!!