We really need to do a 20,000 print run of the Halleluyah Scriptures to reach many brothers and sisters in Africa and around the world who are in genuine need. They do not have the opportunities of doing some work to make ends meet. They can barely feed themselves. We praise the Father for those who have helped with the first shipment to some of these wonderful and special believers. This is just the tip of the iceberg as the famine for YHWH’s Word in Africa is truly great.
The title of this write up and part of a message below came from the group in South Africa. It is truly heartbreaking. We have had a large number of brothers and sisters in South Africa praying and fasting for His Word and they have been faithful in waiting for the time that He will provide for them and the time is now. We are currently organizing the first large shipment to South Africa. Oh HalleluYah. A huge thank you to those who made this happen. Your reward will be great from the Father.
We quote what a couple in South Africa said:
“There is no way that most in Africa can pay for Scriptures – at the current prices. They are truly poor. We have never received any books from oversees in bulk. HalleluYah please share and pray that we can get the stock safely.”
Our missions team has been working with a number of groups who love the Name of the Father and His Ben, and the Torah. We are being led to more and more groups who are coming out of Christianity and into the truth and are now waiting to follow the Father in all truth.
We have a lovely Sister in Kenya and the fellowship she is part of there is working with one of our Missions team Sisters. They both know each other from a number of years ago which is a bonus.
This sister in Kenya has been checking out groups and those who are requesting copies from us. She is finding a good number of people coming to His truth and making changes to follow the Torah and so, these people are now needing Restored Name Scriptures.
This Kenyan Sister knows of other groups in the Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda and Ethiopia. Meanwhile, a group we are working with in South Africa knows believers/groups in Zimbabwa and the Congo. It really seems the Father is reaching so many for His great Name and truth. It is truly exciting to see but the need is very urgent.
This is what the sister in Kenya said when we ask her to help us reach those in need.
“Thanks for keeping me busy. I am praying that I can be more useful in the Work of YHWH. It is my pleasure to do anything in my reach for His people. It is my joy to work for YHWH – The harvest is great but the workers few (Mathew 9:37).”
HalleluYAH for having a sister-in-faith with a heart to serve YHWH and others like this Sister.
As we have said, there is no better gift than His Word. Most of us when we are low or down can go and find comfort in His Word, but these people in Africa do not have that option at all and that is so sad. Giving a copy of His love letter is truly life changing for these brothers and sisters. They get to hold it and hug it and praise Him every day for the HalleluYah Scriptures and for the person who helped to make it happen. There is no other costs with this project, but only printing and shipping His Pure Word. If YHWH has barak us with the power to help these needy people in Africa, as well as those who are desperately seeking for comfort and answers, then we should do it.
“Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power of your hand to do so.” – Proverbs/Mishley 3:27
We would like to do a larger print run and have the printers ship the stock directly to the people we are working with as it saves on extra costs. We are always prayerful and watchful over all the donations and the stock. We do not have unlimited copies nor donations so we have to be very prayerful and seek the Father on each order.
Our brothers and sisters in the 3rd World countries and those in prison or homeless in the western world do not have options like we all do and truly are so desperate. This project makes most of us weep to hear daily over the great need for His Word. It is truly lamenting to hear their stories and read their letters. We literally weep as the Father has to hear their cries daily. We honestly believe that there is nothing more important than His Word as it is everlasting and life changing.
Please help us to help others. If you are moved to help by donating, please click this link :
Thank you and may the Father baruk you!
Thank you
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team