Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

The Very Poor Receive HalleluYah Scriptures Freely!!!

by | Oct 26, 2014

NAMIBIA 2014 1“I waited for YHWH, and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. And He drew me out of the pit of destruction. Out of the muddy clay, and He put my feet upon a rock, He is establishing my steps.”
Psalms/Tehillim 40:1-2

HalleluYah Scriptures has been working  with many volunteers all over the world in many countries, cities, towns and villages to get the HalleluYah Scriptures into many hands of brothers and sisters who have no means to contact us or anyone to obtain a copy of the Father’s Word. We are working with a good number of brothers and sisters who give up their time daily to travel to find and seek out the lost tribes of Yisra’el.

Julius Ekomu 2014 - 3

It has been a great pleasure and honor in serving the Father and His Son for the past years. This job has not always been an easy one, but one that is so urgent and important for a world that is in darkness and the HalleluYah Scriptures has been a bright light to many who have never seen nor owned a copy of the Word and have no means of affording. What a great joy it is for these brothers and sisters who have been without His Word to finally receive a copy.

“He who shows favour to the poor lends to HUHY, And He repays his deed.” Poverbs/Mishley 19:16

Julius Ekomu 2014 - 2

Many of us in the western world can easily make contact with this project but thousands upon thousands do not have this option and require a brother or sister to travel to seek out these believers. We are so honoured to come to know many brothers and sisters have taken it upon themselves to go and find those in need. These trips are not always easy or comfortable and require many hours and days of walking.

“Give to him who asks of you, and from him who wants to borrow from you, do not turn away.” Matthew/Mattithyahu 5:42

congregartion Kenya David

Our postal agent visited this group in Kenya as a supporter has been supporting them for a while now and we had the honor in coming to know them and the work they do with orphans. They have received many free copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures and will receive the children’s book when we get the Kenyan language printed.

 “He who has a good eye is baruk, for he gives of his bread to the poor.” Proverbs/Mishley 22:9

NAMIBIA 2014 2

The picture at the top of this article and the one above and below are from a new group in Namibia that we have come to know. They love the Father and His Son and the Torah and were very excited to receive free copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures.

“if you extend your being to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted being, then your light shall dawn in the darkness, and your darkness be as noon.” Isaiah/Yeshayahu 58:10

NAMIBIA 2014 3

We are working to send out many boxes and large shipments all over the world to the needy and to the very poor who have no means or options of affording and have no means of finding this important project.

 “All this I did show you, by labouring like this, that you ought to help the weak. And remember the words of the Adon OSUHY, that He said, ‘It is more baruk to give than to receive.’Acts/Ma’aseh   20:35

Philippines 2014 Baltic 2

Most of those who we help with free copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures in 3rd world countries have no power, phone, cars or even a public library to use to contact us. It has been their prayer and fasting that has connected us to them and we have enjoyed coming to know thousands of brothers and sisters through others that have worked hard to seek them out.

Philippines 2014 Baltic 4

We have had the pleasure of coming to know a good number of brothers and sisters who have given up their time to travel to seek out believers who have never seen or known about a Restored Name Bible.

These brothers and sisters travel for days and weeks in rough conditions and in many cases walk for days to find believers in outback villages. It is so important to get a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures to these believers as they have no options of going to a public library or neighbour to use a computer to order. They have no option to write to us for a copy. They do not have a phone, or car or computer but live a basic life in truth to feed themselves.


We have come to love and cherish these pictures and the comments they make in receiving a Bible freely. It has also amazed us to hear when a person cannot speak or understand English that well but  when reading the HalleluYah Scriptures, they can read it and understand what they are reading. This can only be the Ruach of the Father who teaches them.


This project has only been possible with the donations and support of believers who have a heart after the Father and have heard His voice in supporting this urgent and important project. The more believers we help the more we find are still without. Please pray to help us print even more to reach those around the world.

HalleluYah and may the Father show you favour always.

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team


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