"Baruḵ is the man who shall not walk in the counsel of the wicked, and shall not stand in the path of sinners, and shall not sit in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the Torah of YHWH, and he meditates in His Torah day and night." Psalm/Tehillim 1:1-2...
Happy New Year – Have A Wonderful Passover!!!
''Now, let the children of Yisra'ĕl perform the Pesaḥ at its Appointed Time." Numbers 9:2 - Happy New Year to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters. Another year has gone by and we are excited about another year ahead of us. We know the Father and His Son have...
Exciting Updates – Hebrew/English & Spanish Editions – Children’s DVD & More
"The opening up of Your Words gives light, giving understanding to the simple." ~ Psalms/Tehillim 119:130 All praise, honor and esteem to the Most High and His Son for this project belongs to Them. The Word belongs to the Father for it is inspired by Him and...
India Love’s the Father & His Son and the HalleluYah Scriptures
"For Your barak the righteous, O YHWH; You surround him with favour as with a shield."Psalms / Tehillim 5:12 HalleluYah for brothers and sisters in India who are receiving His Word for the very first time. There is always much rejoicing when believers are given His...
Dominica Kenya Pakistan Netherlands Indonesia & India Philippines Receiving Freely HalleluYah
"And his master said to him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant. You were trustworthy over a little, I shall put you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." Matthew / Mattithyahu 25:21 We have enjoyed working with believers in these countries for a...
100’s Of Parcels & Many Large Shipments Going Worldwide – HalleluYah
"YHWH repay your work, and your reward is complete from YHWH Elohim of Yisra'el, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge." Ruth 2:12 - HalleluYah, please join us in rejoicing and praising the Father and His Son for what has been done all around the world with...
Kenya Philippines & India Receiving Freely The HalleluYah Scriptures!!!
"And his master said to him, 'Well done, good and trustworthy servant. You were trustworthy over a little, I shall put you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.' " Matthew 25:21 HalleluYah for Kenya, for all the good works that have been done in this wonderful...
Africa – A Special HalleluYah From Brothers & Sisters In Need
"Rain down, O shamayim, from above, and let clouds pour down righteousness. Let the earth open, let them bring forth deliverance, and let righteousness spring up together. I YHWH, have created it." Isaiah/Yeshayahu 45:8 "They were so happy to receive such a blessing...
Russia Hong Kong Europe & Pakistan Receiving Freely!!!
"That which has been born of the flesh, and that which has been born of the Ruach is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you. You have to be born from above. The Ruach breathes where it wants, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and...
Filipino Cards Of Hope & Bookmarks On There Way – Brothers & Sisters – Excited To Recieve Freely!!!
"My being, finds rest in Elohim alone because my expectation is from Him. He alone is my rock and my deliverance my strong tower; I am not shaken. Psalms/Tehillim 62:2 What a great day it was when His people in the Philippines received His Word - the HalleluYah...
Children In India Portugal Pakistan & Romania Receiving Children’s Book Freely.
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in the shamayim their messengers always see the face of My Father who is in the shamayim. Matthew/MattithYahu 18:10 Oh HalleluYah, children are so important to the Father and His Son and it...
Believers & Homeless In The USA & Prisioners Letters Shared – HalleluYah
"And this is the boldness that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His desire He hears us." – 1 John/Yohanan 5:14 This group is rejoicing over receiving a wonderful free gift. This fellowship works hard to help so many homeless. The fellowship has...