Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Overjoyed With Free Copies & Materials – Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Gambia

by | Oct 13, 2024

“And now, brothers, I commit you to Elohim and to the Word of His favour, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those having been qadosh.” ~Ma’asĕh / Acts 20:32. Since the day the HalleluYah Scriptures started its Ministry for the restoration of the Father’s Name and His Ḇen, Father YHWH’s love and kindness has accompanied us all throughout this journey. We give Praise, Honour and esteem to His Marvelous Name for pouring out His beraḵah since day one; from the production of all these precious books to the distribution of the Restored Name Bibles, Name Meaning books and other books, to Countries all over the world. HalleluYah Scriptures is the only Free Restored Name Bibles for those who have never seen nor owned a copy of His Word and have no means of affording. This is because the Father owns this project and His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures.

Please give all praise to the Father. The following photos are from the following countries. Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Gambia, we have been working with these countries for well over 12 years and have built up some wonderful relationships with believers and groups. We only share a small handful of photos compared to what was given out. We try and share as much as we can on top of all the other work.

As children of Father YHWH and followers of the Mashiaḥ, we should always be ready to bear witness of YHWH’s goodness and spread the Good News of the favour of our Elohim in our lives in whatever circumstances through the Mashiaḥ. So that the Word of YHWH will prevail and will grow mightily and will be able to gather people to humbly come to Him and seek His face for true repentance.

For He will be glad to reward His people with salvation and eternal life through His Ḇen if we’ll keep on believing and trusting in His Name. HalleluYah! We understand that many do not have an opportunity to do this work by themselves and have chosen to support this project with donations to that others can do the foot work.

We are so baraḵ to witness Father YHWH’s goodness and kindness each and every day which is evident through the pictures taken for articles and videos the project has put together.

A smile of hope can be seen on the lives that have been changed for good since they have received the HalleluYah Scriptures and other Books/Materials containing the Name of our Almighty Father and His Ḇen (Son) for free. It’s very fulfilling to hear the feed backs and testimonies of how the HalleluYah Scriptures have touched and changed their lives. Our hearts full of love, joy and thankfulness towards the Father who has made everything possible and wonderful in this journey. We praise His Name all the time as it is a great honor to serve in this way.

Praise YHWH for sending people with the same goals and desires to accomplish the projects and missions that HalleluYah Scriptures got for all the people to see and witness how good and powerful Almighty Father YHWH is! The Ministry have been Baraḵ exceedingly by Father YHWH and that’s why we are so thankful and grateful to Him.

It is wonderful to see and witness how good and powerful the Almighty Father YHWH is for It is He that has reached His people all over the world! The Ministry has been Baraḵ exceedingly by Father YHWH and that’s why we are so thankful and grateful to Him and for His love towards His Word.

The enemy hates the Father and His Word and will do anything to try and stop it going out. The Father and His Messengers have always fought for the HalleluYah Scriptures and team by protecting us while we work.

Praise YHWH for sending people with the same goals and desires to help accomplish the projects and missions that HalleluYah Scriptures. It would have been impossible to have done all this work without you. The project has a large number of volunteers who work freely all over the world, they have the same heart and passion as the main team. Working hard to get His Word out to those who have not means of affording.

We rejoice greatly in knowing that we were able to help thousands upon thousands of brethren all over the world including prisoners, homeless and those who are new to Truth as well.

The Father’s Word strengthen believers belief unto our Almighty Father and help them build great confidence through His Word for it has all the answers and gives such comfort.

This is what the HalleluYah Scriptures Team desires for the whole world is for it to be filled with YHWH’s Truth for eternal peace. For people to seek YHWH’s face and come to Him with a repentant and humble heart.

“Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not of grief or of necessity, for Elohim loves a joyous giver. And Elohim is able to make all favour overflow toward you, that you, always having all you need in every way, have plenty for every good work”. 2 Qorintiyim/2 Corinthians 9:7-8

“And now, brothers, I commit you to Elohim and to the Word of His favour, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those having been qadosh.” ~Ma’asĕh / Acts 20:32

The Day of Father YHWH is drawing near and so, we hope and pray that the children of Yah will be equipped with all the spiritual gifts, and will be able to bear fruit of the Ruacḥ Ha’Qodesh; and put on the full armour of YHWH so that when the day of trouble or persecution comes, everyone will be able to stand firm in their belief, being courageous prayer warriors for the Father and His children all over the world.

Not fainting nor trembling but instead, strong and powerful in the expectation that we have in the Father’s Son in our hearts. HalleluYah!

We have seen amazing miracles through this work for His kingdom and as you all know we are heading into the last days, and we feel it is urgent to get as many copies as possible of His Word into the hands of those who have no means or options of affording, and into countries that are making it harder to send pallets into.

Laws have changed and in a number of cases we have to apply to the Govt of certain countries for them to agree that we can send stock. This can take a number of months which holds up stock. We feel it is a matter of time when His Word will be stopped by these countries as the enemy does not want the Father’s Word into the hands of His people. Please keep the project and stock in your daily prayers as we truly need them as each days gets harder.

We need more prayer and believers to fast coming into the last days as shared it is getting harder and the attacks are fierce against His Word. His Son went through the same things with many even so-called believers coming against Him and in the end, they killed him, as shared we do not expect less. It saddens us as the Father has provided His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures for His people and like they did to His Son they rose up and destroyed Him and the Father’s love and forgiveness.

Our hearts are full with such joy, seeing love and compassion in the eyes of our brethren who have received the precious gift from Father YHWH our Elohim. As needs are increasing for the books worldwide, our joy is increasing as well, knowing that the HalleluYah Scriptures books will bring such joy, enlightenment and salvation for the great expectation that we have in the Almighty Father. HalleluYah! Praise YHWH’s Mighty Name!

So, we pray that through giving the HalleluYah Scriptures and other books and materials, many more lives will be redeemed, strengthened and renewed. Praying for the lives of His chosen people to be aligned to YHWH’s divine plan, that they may walk according to His Will and purpose. And among the gentiles who are ardent for His Torah, that they may receive the salvation that comes from believing in the Name of our Savior.

The world is moving into the end times and will soon fall into eternal damnation, and we don’t want people to just die in their sins and be hopeless forever not knowing that there is salvation in the Name of the Father and if they will just repent and read His Word they may come to this Truth. For belief comes by hearing the Word of our Elohim and His truth, and by obeying it there will be a great reward awaiting to those who will endure and not waver till the end.

Therefore, let us all be like-minded and live a life that honors and serves the Father and His people in a way that is possible, being prayerful and loving towards one another as brethren and caring for one another as one family of YHWH.

“But the end of all has drawn near. Therefore, be sober-minded, and be attentive in the prayers and above all have fervent love for one another, because love covers a great number of sins.” ~Kĕpha 2 / 2 Peter 4:7-8

We know as a team we will never be loved for this work, but we understand this fully, all we want to do is serve the Father as He has Commanded us and nothing in this world offers anything to us as we give all our time and energy in helping others who are in genuine need, and this has been possible because of you, His people. We praise the Father for you each day and pray for all the supporters.

Thank you for allowing us to do this work and serve in this way.

Orphans Being Feed & Taught With the HalleluYah Scriptures

HalleluYah for orphans and the truly poor that the HalleluYah Scriptures project has helped over the years. We work hard to put self-sufficiency projects in place as we feel this is a long-term solution and we know that money will not be around in the very near future, so putting food, water and basic needs in place is important for the hard times that are coming fast upon this world. Thank you to those who continue to help those in need.

Thank you once again for praying, fasting and donating towards this important and urgent project. We pray the Father shows you favor always.

Thank you,

The HalleluYah Scriptures team.

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