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We ask those who can afford to donate to help another who is without and who has never seen nor owned a Bible and have no means or options of affording. These brothers and sisters will never receive a copy unless brothers and sisters donate to help them. This is the heart of the Father and this project. We are all volunteers that work freely on this project and the project works on donations. We add the Names Book freely when possible.
If you can cover your own costs so as not to take from the project that is helping thousands who cannot afford around the world this would be wonderful. If you are in hardship and cannot afford we are pleased to help you please fill out the free copy form.
For bulk order (10 copies and more), please click here.
Standard Edition Soft Cover HalleluYah Scriptures – Cost Only To The Project – Includes Shipping:
*All prices given are in USD
USA – USD26.50 each
Canada – USD36.50 each
International – USD55.00 each
The HalleluYah Scriptures come with a Name Meanings book and you can order the audio freely.
Thank you,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team