“In the day I am afraid, I trust in You. In Elohim, whose Word I praise, in Elohim I have trusted; I do not fear-” Tehillim / Psalms 56:3-4
HalleluYah for brothers and sisters in Nigeria. We were so excited to be able to get more copies to Nigeria as the needs there are great and a genuine thrist for the Father and His Son’s Word is evident. This group were excited to receive a treasure that is everlasting and filled with much hope and comfort.
It is such a joy to help those who are so grateful and thankful for a copy of the Father’s Word. They are pleased to wait on the Father and keep in prayer for they trust that He would provide for them. They are never demanding or rude in anyway but are only filled with love and kindness over receiving His Word. They are always so thankful to the person that donated for them to have this wonderful gift as they see it as something special and anointed.
The needs in Africa have always been urgent and so important as many brothers and sisters travel to share His truth and it has been wonderful that they can now take copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures with them to give to each family that are following truth or have excepted truth.
We only receive a few pictures of each group, fellowship or family that receive as it is very expensive for them to send pictures by email so we sometimes only receive a handful which we are excited to share with you who have made this possible.
“HalleluYAH, You alone are our Elohim. Thank you for providing boxes of the HalleluYAH Scriptures Bible. We have shared these with believers and their families. Many thank you’s came from their hearts with some families crying over their copy.”
“Hello HalleluYah Scriptures Team, We want to tell you that we love the HalleluYah Scriptures and we want to say a special thank you for sending us copies to share. All the families that received a copy were dancing with joy and tears. Great is YHWH and great is His Son.”
“Thank you on behalf of our family. We got a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures from the visiting Elder. We have never seen such a Book before. Our fellowship would also like to extend a special thank you to those that gave us these Bibles. Blessings to all.”
“Praises to the most High – Yah is Great!!! we thank YHWH with all our hearts for His Word. We have finally received this great Book after years of prayer. HE ANSWERS PRAYER – HALLELUYAH. We are proof of this great miracle.”
We are always seeking ways to find and reach believers in countries that have no way of knowing about this project. We need you to help us find and seek believers all over the world who are in desperate need and have no options or ways to contact us.
“We have been singing praises to YHWH for this special Bible. Our people cannot afford to buy Bibles with true Names. Our people cannot afford basic needs but are very pleased with this gift. Praises to YHWH & Yahushua.”
“And it is YHWH who is going before you, He Himself is with you. He does not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear nor be discouraged.”~ Debarim / Deuteronomy 31:8
Africa is a country we have been working closely with over the years. We have come to know many brothers and sisters in different countries in Africa and come to love them dearly for their genuine love of the Father, His Son and the Torah.
They really know how to rejoice and sing and praise the Father in song and dance and when they get a copy of His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures they truly dance and sing praises loudly.
We have also enjoyed working with believers who have contacted us regarding their missions trip or visits to brothers and sisters in Africa. Many work so hard traveling to outback villages seeking out the lost and sharing the Names of the Father and His Son and also their Torah/Laws.
They express to use the real joy on the faces of those receiving freely the best gift they could ever own. They get so excited going from page to page looking at the Father and His Name in Paleo Hebrew. A huge HalleluYah.
We have shared the “GOOD NEWS” about the 20,000 print run, we have also only been able to print around 10,000 copies at a time but now HalleluYah the Father has led us to print 20,000 for our next print. A huge answer to much prayer. We will be doing an even larger print run of the large print and PU special edition including the Pocket Edition this time around. The large print is our most popular edition after the standard copy.
With this extra large print run that the Father has provided for, we will be able to reach thousands more in many countries. Those who are in hardship share one copy with up to 10 family members so even more are reached.
There is no greater joy or work we could do and we enjoy doing this for the Father and His Son. We know the enemy will always hate the Father’s Word and this project and will do anything to put a stop to it. We know there will come a time where we will not be able to do this work so will continue to work as hard as we can daily to reach as many as possible. Please help us by letting us know about groups and believers who do not have a way of contacting us.
Thank you to all our supporters, we have enjoyed working with you and consider it a great honor in coming to know you all.
You are in our daily prayers
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team