“Did you not know? Have you not heard? The everlasting Elohim, HUHY, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding isunsearchable.“ Isaiah/YeshaYahu 40:28
“Blessings and HalleluYah. we received our shipment of the HalleluYah Scriptures and are pleased to say we are overwhelmed with such joy in our hearts for this gift. Thank you.”
“YHWH your generosity is received with open arms. We appreciate your gift to our family. This is a wonderful Bible that will be shared with all our extended family.”
“This gift of the HalleluYah Scriptures is priceless and no one has ever given us a gift of great value. This gift could only come from the most High. He is true to His Word – HE ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS”
Shipments go to India near weekly for the needs are so urgent there. We work with a number of brothers now who travel around India to share the Names of the Father and His Son. They share with us many stories of brothers and sisters rejoicing over receiving the greatest gift they could ever own. These brothers and sisters are so poor and live hand to mouth in most cases, so to have someone travel days to come and share about the HalleluYah Scriptures and how the Father has heard their prayers and provided freely through His people is awesome.
They are so amazed at hearing this and it is a huge miracle to them as they see their prayers have been answered. As we have said in the past, many that the Father provides for have been praying for years to have a copy of His love letter and to finally receive a copy, it is a miracle to them.
“Thank You YHWH for answering our family’s prayers in providing a Bible for us with Your real Name.”
It is wonderful to see believers jumping up and down and dancing around with joy and excitement in receiving freely a copy of the Father’s Word. It is also exciting to us that all these brothers and sisters praise the Father for this gift for all praise, honor and esteem belong to Him.
The smile on this brothers face on the right really says it all. There is no greater joy in a gift than the HalleluYah Scriptures. Just think of the time when you got your first Restored Name Scriptures/Bible, how excited you were to find that there was a Bible with His Name and His Son’s Name. How you held it and treasured it and could not stop reading it. The excitement you had in your spirit over that special Book that changed your life and led you to so much more truth. Those that we have been working with have never had that joy and in most cases it has taken many years of prayer and fasting for the gift to be given to them.
“Blessings from India – HalleluYah. You are all a blessing to YHWH and we cannot praise YHWH and Yahushua enough for the gift of free Scriptures to our family. It is a time of rejoicing as we have never seen this Word before. Thank you.”
All praise to the Father, His Son and a special thank you to you His people who have made this happen. Your gift has touched and changed many lives.
We as a team want to thank all the brothers and sisters all over the world who have worked with us in reaching those who have no Bible, those who have never seen nor owned a copy and have no means of affording. A huge thank you to all you who have donated to make this possible. Your gift is the best gift you can give another believer as we know first hand how grateful and thankful they are.
“YHWH’s generosity knows no bound for He is AWESOME in His providence. We owe everything to Him and praise to His Son THE WORD. We pass on much gratitude from the group here. The parcel arrived safely. Barak Ata.”
Thank you and may the Father show you favor always as you have shown favor to His people.
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.