Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

India Receiving Hundred’s Of Free Copies HalleluYah!!!

by | Aug 25, 2014

india 09“For we have much joy and encouragement in your love, because the tender afflictions of the qodeshim have been refreshed by you, brother.”  Pilĕymon / Philemon 1:7

“Greetings Brothers & Sisters from India. Our prayers have been before YHWH & Yahushua for many years for copies of the Word. We have not had the honour in having Bibles here  with the Restored Names. Our people cannot afford to pay for Bibles. It is one thing that is important in our lives and is treasured and loved beyond words. We know that it is not impossible for YHWH to provide His Word to us and that He does answer prayers for He has answered our prayers in providing this special Bible.”

“We cannot fully understand or come to know all the Laws of YHWH if we do not have a copy of His Word for without it it is impossible for His people to know all the Torah, Commands and Festivals. That is why the HalleluYah Scriptures project is important as it brings His people back to His Torah.”

india 010We agree with what this brother has said above, as it is impossible for these brothers and sisters to afford to purchase a copy, for many only make a few dollars a week (around $5.00) which is only enough to feed their family. They cannot afford to purchase a copy and those who sell His Word have stopped these brothers and sisters form receiving this most vital instruction Book they and all His people could ever have. This is so tragic and so abominable before the Father and how His heart must be weeping. There is truly nothing more important than His Word, and to give a free copy to a brother or sister and their family is the greatest thing you could ever do. The Father’s Word has always been suppressed and unreachable for millions and those we have been reaching over the years just have no means or options of affording, and that is very hard for most of us to understand.

M Avinash-28jan2014

It has been heartbreaking for a  number of years dealing with those who have never seen nor owned a copy of the Father’s Word. They feel they have suffered greatly and it has been very painful for them as they have prayed deeply for many years. We have brothers and sisters that are in their 80’s who have prayed all their lives for a Bible and only just received it and are elated with such joy.

India 19th Feb 2We have wept many tears over this project but we also have rejoiced many times a day over many miracles that only the Father and His Son could have done.  Thousands of brothers and sisters all over the world who have never had the honor in owning a copy of the Father’s Word have finally received a free copy. A huge HalleluYah and all praise, honor and esteem to the Father. We could not have done this work without all the thousands of supporters all over the world who have come together who are like-minded and who have a heart to help those in desperate need.  It really is not that much to help another receive a copy and they have seen this. They have stood with us as volunteers to pray, fast and donate, for they see this project as the most important project in the world.

MrJ Prasad india

India 19th Feb 1We have never thought there was any better gift you could give a brother or sister than the Father’s Word and we could never sit by and continue to see brothers and sisters worldwide without a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures, for it is the Father’s instruction Book and all His children need it to survive. We cannot fully understand His Laws, Commandments and Festivals without this important Book. Nothing is more important and no material thing or item is more important than His Word. It is our daily spiritual food that is needed to strengthen our walk. It is more important than anything in our lives. A very special thank you on behalf of all the thousands that have received freely. They are so grateful and thankful.

india 01

We have learned a lot over the years and we have come to know many of these brothers and sisters who have received freely and we have come to know those who have given up their lives to travel and reach those in need

india 07of truth. We have worked with a number of brothers in India who travel to groups of believers and share copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures. They also count it a great honor to serve the Father in sharing His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures with those who have never seen nor owned a copy and had no idea one was even available. Much rejoicing is done all over the world when a believer receives a free copy.

“I am so thankful for the free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures I received here in India. I have been able to share it with others so they can be blessed as I was in receiving this Bible.  Praises to YHWH.”


india 06We praise the Father for how loving and kind He and His Son have been in leading many to us so that we can give them a free copy of His Word. Each day brings new contacts and special relationships that we treasure and are so honored to be apart of. We all praise the Father and His Son for allowing us all to be a part of this wonderful project that has touched our hearts deeply. We want to say a special thank you to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters for standing with us and supporting us each day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We know we all will not be loved by the enemy or those who have stopped tens of thousands receiving freely, for the enemy and those who do the enemy’s work hate the Father’s Word and he has used thousands through the centuries to stop and destroy His Word, thinking they are doing Him a favour, but anyone that would stop those in desperate need of receiving the Father’s Word freely is not of the Father, but is being used by the enemy. How sad this has been. We as a team will continue to do this work until He the Father puts a stop to it.

India 1-29

India 1-30HalleluYah, our deepest prayer is to reach even more all over the world, to seek and search out those who are without. Please join in daily prayer for us to find all those who love the Father and His Son and who want His Word.

We are so honoured to have brothers and sister who fast 6 days a week for this special project and for us as volunteers. Praying and fasting has enable us to do even more daily, as it has given us strength and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

A special thank you to all those who support this urgent and important project.

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

Photographs in each article only represent a small number of believers in each group or fellowship as it is expensive for them to email them through to us.

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