Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

India – Poor Brothers & Sisters Receive Freely For The First Time!!!

by | Dec 10, 2014

New India july 9th 2014 5“And let us not lose heart
in doing good, for in due
season we shall reap if we
do not grow weary.”
Galatians 6:9

It touches our hearts deeply when we see the Father’s children receive His Word for the first time. We all know this world is in darkness and the pain the Father must feel is so great that we could never imagine it. But there are pockets of bright light with much joy and that is when His people receive His gift freely of His Love Letter. We know as a team of volunteers that it is important that brothers and sisters have this instruction Book for it led us into truth and guides us and teaches us His Torah/Laws and without it it is very hard to walk the path of truth if you are not aware of what truth is. This project has touched and changed thousands of lives all over the world and has enabled His people to have a copy of His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures. New India july 9th 2014 11 This project is only made possible because those who are close to the Father care enough about helping other brothers and sisters who are in need of a free copy of His Word. There is truly no greater joy than to see His Word in the hands of those who love Him and His Son and who want to learn and share this truth with others. It is very hard to share truth when you do not have it in your hands to show others. Many hundreds have been led to truth through the usage of the HalleluYah Scriptures. New India july 9th 2014 10We have been working with brothers, elders and believers in this large country for a number of years now and most of them travel by foot to reach those in need of truth. Like us, they consider it a great joy in reaching those who are without His Word. They enjoy sharing about this project and reaching the lost of this world. Most of those who are reached have no idea there is a Bible with His Name and His Son’s Name restored. They are overjoyed to see it and want to show others around them. They get so excited and are like children.

“Today we received the Books and your very generous gift of Helleluyah Scriptures. We would like to thank you, we are very excited about exploring His word :)” Thank you again and may Elohim bless you all!”

New India july 9th 2014 9 Many believers all over the world have come together to make this project possible. The Father has called those who are His to seek and search out those who have never seen a Bible let a lone one with His Name and His Son’s Name in it. It is an exciting time when a believer is given a free copy and asked for nothing in return. This is unheard of so they are doubly amazed. New India july 9th 2014 8It is a great joy to see others receive freely and know that you were used by the Father to be able to aid in this. There is no better fulfilment than to see those who are without receive freely. We also get so excited when the Father led us as a team to complete projects that are the first of their kind and have never been done before, like the waterproof, which are going into harsh conditions to be used freely by missionaries, elders, and those in the military, the Hebrew/English Parallel and All Hebrew Edition, the Audio, Children’s Book and Children’s Book DVD, Cards of Hope in many languages as with the 10 Commandment bookmarks in many languages, the extra biblical books and Name Meanings Book which is over 15 years of research. These are all so very special and were only made possible because of the Father and His Son and those who donated to help have these produced. New India july 9th 2014 6 When His people rise up and do something for the downtrodden and for those who are without, then they do what the Father has asked, for His Word echos this – to love one another, to help those who are worse off than ourselves, for us to be caring and loving towards those who are poor.

The Father has had this love for us and asks that we have the same for others. Many do not understand what poor is, most in the western world have homes, cars, computers, power, internet, 3 meals a day and more and have options to do a little extra work to make money, but those we mostly deal with do no have any of these items and have no options to get more work.

We could turn our internet off for a month to cover our costs and help another or cut back on our power or miss a meal, but those we deal with just do not have that option at all. It would cost them a number of years to afford a copy and even then it would be near impossible.

New India july 9th 2014 4They do not receive Govt. handouts or benefits and have to find ways to feed their family a meal a day. Let us all have a heart after those who are in genuine need.

Giving a free copy of the Father’s Word is greater than traveling to a country to talk to believers who already know about the truth. It is much cheaper to send free HalleluYah Scriptures for His people to be taught by Him and His Spirit/Ruach. This way we can reach thousands more.

” My dear beloved and faithful brethren, Shalom, I have been receiving all parcels from you regularly here in India, and distributing them.Thank you so much for allowing me to do this wounderful work of YAH. Pray for me as I pray for you.”

New India july 9th 2014 8 Our mission has always been to get a free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures into the hands of the genuinely poor and needy, to newbies and those who are in prison and those who are homeless. This has always been our heart’s desire.

The other important thing is to proclaim His Name and His Son’s Name all over the world, to restored these to their rightful place. Their Names have always been hidden and we are always praying of ways to proclaim it all over the world and in other nations.

“Thank for the copies we have received here in India. Our people were grateful for this gift. This is the first time we have seen such a Bible. Families will enjoy these and will now be able to learn the truth of YAH.”

 The HalleluYah Scriptures Audio, Cards Of Hope, Children’s Book and wrist bands have gone a long way in proclaiming this truth and many lives have been touched and changed forever.

This is because the Father and His Son have done this wonderful work and used His servants that are willing. This has only been possible because His people hear His voice and the pleading of those who are in desperate need.

HalleluYah Scriptures reviewo + restored Name Bible +The best Bible 2

“HalleluYah is all the words I have for my free HalleluYah Scriptures.”

Work will be started soon on Cards of Hope in the Indian, Kenyan and Filipino languages, this will lead many to truth and open many eyes to the Names and Torah/Laws and Festivals.

 “I just want to take the moment and thank you and express my gratitude to you, as I have already received your wonderful parcel with the HalleluhYah scriptures today. Thank you once again from my heart for your outstanding work for the father! Kind regards and HalleluhYah!”

New India july 9th 2014 2We want to say a special thank you to all the HalleluYah Scriptures supporters who have helped thousands receive freely, our heart-felt thank you to each and everyone of you. You have been generous and kind to many and we know that they are so thankful and grateful. Without your support most of this work would not be possible.

We are now focused on praying for donations to print the most important and most urgent editions to date and that is the Hebrew/English Parallel and the all Hebrew edition that are so important for the Jewish people who have been praying for many years for a Bible in their own language with restored Names of the Father and His Son. All the Jewish people received over the years is a pagan Bible with pagan names and we believe that this has done much damage. It is now time to restored this and fix this horrendous error.

May the Father show you favour

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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Waterproof HalleluYah Scriptures
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