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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Thanks, Yah will of course continue to bless your efforts to spread His Word, I have the blessing of being a missionary for Yah in India. I am excited about spreading the truth here. May Yahuwah bless you and keep you in Yahushua haMachiyach. Thank you for this great work and please keep it up. Sha’alu Shalom Yerushalayim. Pray For the Peace of Jerusalem. Ye’varechecha Yhwh Y’yisherecha; Ya’er Yhwh panav eleicha vihuneca; yisah yhwh panav eleicha v’yasem l’cha shalom. Yhwh bless you and keep you; Yhwh make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. Yhwh lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. LOVE in Yhwh.

(Free copies supplied and given out for the past year – we continue to work with this brother and his group in India)

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