“Let Me instruct you and teach you in the Way you should go. Let Me counsel, My eye be on you.”
Psalms/Tehillim 32:8
HalleluYah, our brothers and sisters in Hong Kong have received another shipment of free HalleluYah Scriptures with the Name Meanings book and HalleluYah Scriptures Audio. They were so excited to receive this shipment and share with those who are seeking truth around them. They emailed a message of deep, heartfelt thanks to those that donated for them to have the new shipment. We have been excited to get copies into Hong Kong and hear stories how brothers and sisters are coming to truth and wanting a copy of the Father’s Word with His Name and His Son’s Name restored.
Here is what they said.
Shalom my family in Yah!
We have received your delivery package of HalleluYah Scriptures. We’re so thankful because we have copies. We can learned more how to pronounce the Name of the Father and the Son through audio. And thank you so much also for the NAME MEANINGS and bookmarks. May Abba bless you more abundantly!!! Todah Rabah!!! From: Hong Kong
We want to share with you some pictures from the Ukraine where a lovely sister is a teacher at a college and she has shared these.
“I finally got a picture of them! Thank you so much! We love the Bibles! They are getting deep into the Word! especially now in the protests. I am teaching them from the Word that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers … against that woman Yezebel … for the pulling down of strongholds… thank you so much for your sweet prayers! I sing Halleluia for you and your ministry… praise YAH almighty in the shamayim with all the qodesh ones! Amein. Much heart.”
“Dear HalleluYah Team! We are just sharing the Bibles. Sharing the others out. My students are very excited for more materials. Today we read about Jezebel in the book of Kings and talked about how Jezebel is the biggest force of evil in the world today, and in governments. They each summarized one of her main actions and the corresponding work of Yah to defeat her. Jaroslav is going to take the Bible and borrow it for a few days and show it to a professor whom he thinks will really appreciate it. If you can spare a few more Bibles, we would truly cherish them”. Much heart In Y’shua Hammashiah, Sis K in Ukraine.”
The sister who is teaching in this School was woken by the Ruach to pack up and leave. It was a warning that she had no idea of until she left Ukraine. Not long after, she returned home to the USA, war broke out. We were able to send in another shipment before the war broke out and a number were barak to receive freely some copies. She got word that the Professor of this college received a copy and was delighted in the gift. HalleluYah!!!
We have been so excited to be able to send in a good number of copies to the Ukraine and we are still in touch with a group we sent copies to 4 years ago. They have shared with us over this period of time and we have been so honoured to come to know them and work with them in getting free copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures into their country.
It is always so special to see teenagers and young people embrace the HalleluYah Scriptures and fall in love with the Father’s Word. They get so excited and so full of joy when they open it, as His Word comes alive for those who love the Father and His Son. HalleluYah!!!
Those in the Ukraine we have come to know well ask for prayer as they are under attack on a daily basis and really seek prayer from brothers and sisters all over the world. It is a great comfort to know that believers are praying all over the world.
May all praise, honor and esteem be given to the Father and His Son as we are merely lowly, willing servants just trying to do the best we can daily to get His Word out around the world to those who have never seen or owned a copy and have no means or options of affording. Because of the Father and His Son, thousands have received freely. We consider it a great honor to do this important service and thank those who support this project with prayer, fasting and donations.
We have quite a few articles we are working on and will share them soon on the website.
A big thank you from the HalleluYah Scriptures Team