Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Hebrew/English & All Hebrew Special Edition Bibles Completed – Please Support & Watch The New Video Now!!!

by | Dec 18, 2014

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible 4HISTORY IN THE MAKING – 0RDER NOW THE ONLY OF THEIR KIND – HELP THE JEWS RECEIVE FREELY.

HalleluYah, please support this history in the making and most important works. We have been working on two very important editions for the Jewish people who come to the knowledge of the Savior and for those who want to learn and read Hebrew.

These special editions are the first of it’s kind and it has never been done before in history.  The translation team has worked on these special editions for nearly 2 years, this does not count the near 15 years of learning and understanding the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek to get a better understanding of His Word.

The translation team has completed these important works and we need the funds to be able to print these to give freely to the Jewish people in Yisra’el and for elders and pastors who have no means or options of affording and who share with and guide the flock.

Hebrew edition which will be in Modern Hebrew but the Names of the Father and His Son will be in Paleo Hebrew, it will have vowel points in place. As with the HalleluYah Scriptures, these editions will NOT contain any footnotes, marginal notes or doctrines of man.

Size of the Hebrew/English special edition will be around 9.5 x 6.5 and around 2inches thick around 1800 pages. 

The cost for the PU leather maybe around $75.00. We do not have the final quote in yet.  If you can donate more to help others that would be great.

The all Hebrew edition will be around the same size as the standard HalelluYah Scriptures and will come with plastic sleeve.

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible 1

There is no more urgent and important Bible than these editions and there is no others like them. We have a heart to reach and seek out the Jewish people who want to come to know and accept the Savior.

HalleluYah Scriptures Hebrew bible + Sacared Name Bible + Restored Name Bible 1

Sadly, all the Jewish people ever received in the past when coming to truth is a pagan bible with pagan names. We believe this has added to much confusion that needs to be corrected. The Name of the Father and His Son needs to be restored and the Ruach has led us to complete these special editions.


We just need His people to come forward to help us print these as they are urgently needed for the Jewish people in Yisra’el/Israel and all the Jewish people all over the world. Also, His people who come to truth want to learn and start to read Hebrew, so the Hebrew/English Parallel version will go a long way to aiding in this.

We as a team cannot help anyone without prayer, fasting and donations as we are all volunteers working freely as hard as possible, getting out copies of His Word the HalleluYah Scriptures all over the world.

Thousands have been without His Word for many years for all their lives and all they want is His Word. It has broken our hearts for many years doing this work and it has not been easy as the enemy has tried his hardest to destroy the Father’s Word from the beginning of time.

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible 2

These editions are going to impact this world and change many lives forever for there has never been any works like this in modern history. We have been inundated with requests for these for the Jewish people.

Our desire is to print many soft-covered editions in Hebrew and get them into Yisra’el/Israel to be given out freely.  Many of the Father’s people have supported this urgent and special project as they see it as important that His people have to have His Love Letter.

We want to say a huge thank you to all those who have helped us to continue this work. You have touched and changed many lives.

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible 3

You can donate to help us print these, and we would like to print them as soon as possible, but we wait on the Father and His people as these are for His children. Most supporters would like the Hebrew/English edition as it is the purest and the closest to Hebrew in English with the Hebrew along side for those who would like to learn and read the Hebrew.

HalleluYah Scriptures Hebrew bible + Sacared Name Bible + Restored Name Bible 2

It features a number of special things like a basic introduction to the Hebrew alphabet and grammar with color maps. The HalleluYah Scriptures is the only Bible that features the correct route of the exodus and Mount Sinai and a large number of other features that no other Restored Name Bible has. This is all praise, honor and esteem to the Father and His Son. HalleluYah.


We will be printing a soft-covered edition to be given out freely and a PU leather for those who want to cover costs and help the project and also a humane cowhide leather edition for those who donate $250.00 or more to the project so that many can receive freely.  This special leather edition is a gift and will be in limited numbers.

HalleluYah Scriptures Hebrew bible + Sacared Name Bible + Restored Name Bible 3

Your donation will go only to printing and shipping the Hebrew Bibles to Israel and to the Jewish people around the world. We are completing two special editions: one is a Hebrew/English Parallel edition that will have the Hebrew and English in one book along side each other and the other is an all Hebrew edition which will be in Modern Hebrew with vowel pointing but the Names of the Father and His Son will be in Paleo Hebrew. As with the HalleluYah Scriptures, these editions will not contain any footnotes, marginal notes or doctrines of man.

HalleluYah Scriptures Parallel + Hebrew Bible + Sacared Bible + Restored Name Bible + The Best Bible & Devine Name Bible 11

Please help us to be able to fulfil this special history in the making project that will change lives forever. When we help those who are close to the Father’s heart and the apple of His eye, we are barak (blessed) beyond words.

We are seeking help to print these editions for the needs are great and will be urgently needed as time goes on.

You can use this link below to donate and put in the comments box what you would like to donate towards and if you would like a copy sent to you when they are printed.

Or pre-order on the order form on this link.

If you have any questions you can mention them in the comments box on the above link.

May the Father show you favour always

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

Watch the following new video about these special editions.

Donate to help the project. Click the button below
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Names Meanings Printed Book.
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Waterproof HalleluYah Scriptures
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