Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

HalleluYah Scriptures Going To The Four Corners Of The Earth

by | Nov 28, 2012


The HalleluYah Scriptures are reaching the world with His Word… 36,000 in print within 2 years!! Please help us to get to 50,000 and beyond!

Many thousands of believers worldwide are now getting His Word and are so excited and praise Him for this everlasting gift of His restored Scriptures. Truly, what is so special, so truly encouraging and inspiring is when one gives a gift to another that can never be paid back, halleluYah for such hearts! It is our constant prayer that all of the Father’s children have a heart after the Father striving to help not just ourselves but others in need, as it really does not take much to help ourselves and another, this project is proof of that. We are in awe of how much has happened in under two years with this project, the Father has barak this project and thousands are now receiving His Word. Praise Yah, we have never had to worry about anything as He has it under control. Indeed when His children strive to do His will according to His laws and commandments then His Ruach is upon it and it becomes anointed.

We want to share these photographs with you our supporters so you can see believers receiving His Word for the first time and are overjoyed by your gift. Some of these brothers and sisters have been waiting for many years and have been praying and begging the Father for His Word. It is because of those who love the Father and have a heart after His people that this has come to be, as this project would be no where without the Father’s trustworthy supporters heeding His call during this urgent awakening time of restoration.

Note: Each year since the first print run HS has supported many groups for Sukkoth and each year some people send in pictures of those who are new to truth and those who do not have His Word, you will see some of these in these pictures. We were able to give near 2000 copies to those for Sukkoth to be given to those who have never seen or owned a copy and have not means of offording and those that are new to truth. HalleluYah.

The HalleluYah Scriptures team is working around the clock to seek out believers in many countries, those who love and use the Father’s Name, learning Torah and whom can read English, as this is important. Stock has been sent recently to Jamaica, China, Kenya and Yisrael received a good amount of the HS for the first time; as well as quite a number of other countries are receiving copies, halleluYah. Those in many of these countries do not have a computer to use the ebook. They cannot afford a computer or Internet as their small wages go to feeding themselves and families. Their only treasured possession is His Word and they truly treasure this everlasting gift, halleluYah. Indeed, they are happy to share one copy with ten family members and they are so humble and grateful and never demanding.

The need for the Father’s restored Scriptures is so great. There are literally thousands still in great need of His Word, and we are doing our best as fast as we can to get a copy to all those in need. So if you know anyone in need of His Word kindly let us know come to the site and let us know. We currently have postal agents in USA, United Kingdom, Europe, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa (soon), New Zealand, and Australia. Not only are the HalleluYah Scriptures being requested and received in far parts of the world, but we have a large number of prisoners writing to us daily for a copy and a good number of homeless believers and those who are in genuine need in the USA, halleluYah!

HalleluYah! Soon, we will reach even more people with the HalleluYah Scriptures audio dramatization. Indeed, this audio project will be able to reach thousands more for His great Name. Please know, this is a huge undertaking and one that is extremely important. We pray to release the Torah (first 5 books) in Jan or there about, Yah willing. Please help us to produce as many of these as possible so that the world comes to know, to hear, His Name and Torah. Once we finish the Torah, Yah willing, the team will start on the Renewed Covenant first 5 books. Please pray daily for the brothers and sisters who have donated their time and funds to see this happen.

We are honored to be called to fulfill this task of restoring His Scriptures and reaching the world with His gift. Indeed, when a person or group is given a job to do for the Father and they fail, then He will raise up others to do that job.

“For if you keep entirely silent at this time, relief and deliverance shall arise for the Yahudim from another place….And who knows whether you have come to the reign for such a time as this?” Hadassah 4:14

The team at HalleluYah Scriptures has one goal and that is to get His Word into as many hands of those in desperate need. We have no hidden agenda, rather only a big heart for the Father and to help others in need. All donations go to printing and shipping only, no lifestyles are being funded or wages collected. Every team member freely donates their time and their own equipment, working endless hours daily to see this task completed. We count it all joy to do this for the Father and His people, halleluYah!

Truly thousands of copies are going out all over the world and soon the audio…this could and cannot happen without those whom the Father has led to be a part of this restoration endeavor. …again, we thank you and halleluYah for such hearts!

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