A Great New Video about the extra bibical books offered by HalleluYah Scriptures.These are the most talked about Restored Name extra Bibical books. They are easy to read and understand and are like no others. These have never been translated before in the way that the HalleluYah Scriptures translation team has translated them. The video explains in detail about the publications of the extra-biblical books:
These are the books the video covers. The Name Meanings (over 15 years of research),The Book of Yashar (Jasher) … The Book of Hanok (Enoch) … The Book of Yobelim (Jubilees) … Books of the Maqqabim (Maccabees) … and The Matmonim (Apocrypha). We are working on a number of videos and will share them on the HalleluYah Scriptures web site when completed. HalleluYah!!!
Here is the link to order these books.
You might want to the watch the following video: This video will show you way the HalleluYah Scriptures is the superior and best restored Name Scriptures
HalleluYah Scriptures | The Superior Restored Name Bible
We are working on an update to this special video. HalleluYah