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HalleluYah Kenya & Philippines Being Reached With His Word

by | Dec 14, 2012

new Kenya 1

We have some exciting news to update and share with you all with regards to the Kenya & the Philippines.

Praise the Father for His Word that goes forth out of HIS mouth: it shall not return unto HIM void, but it shall accomplish that which HE pleases, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto HE sent it.

HalleluYAH. The first large shipment has arrived in Kenya and there are pictures here for you to view which is truly wonderful to see His Word going around the world and into the hands of those that have never seen or owned a copy and have no means of affording, it is reaching all four corners of this Earth for His esteem alone. Look at the faces of these believers and praise His Name that they now have the best gift in the world.


A wonderful Brothers have taken a shipment into Kenya fairly recently and there is another large shipment scheduled to go over next month. There are a couple of elders from Kenya who came over to the USA and were sharing the wonders that the Father is doing in Kenya with His people, all praise honour and high esteem to the Father for this good work. They were able to take a large shipment of Halleluyah Scriptures back to Kenya with them to be distribute to our brothers and sisters there.

Beloved ones, our Brothers and Sisters in Kenya were rejoicing, excited and so very happy to receive their copy and cannot wait for the next shipment to arrive as there are a lot of people outside the area of Kenya also who are in need of the Halleluyah Scriptures. HalleluYAH.


All praise honour and esteem to our wonderful Father and His Son for His Word is going forth and will continue to do so reaching all His People all over His earth for His esteem alone.

HalleluYAH Scriptures is now getting into places, into countries that we would never have been able to get them into and it is truly so exciting to see how the Ruach is working. Brothers and Sisters are coming forward offering to take HS into difference countries which helps on shipping costs and we can reach so many more with His Word. We have had a Sister take a shipment into China and also this shipment into Kenya and more into the Philippines and other Countries.


Our job is not always easy and the enemy hates the Father’s Word and has stopped thousands getting a copy of His Word for hundreds of years but HalleluYah we are working hard to see all who are in desperate need and are without receive a copy. A lot has been done in under 2 years.

Please continue to support the HalleluYah Scriptures project so we can reach and help so many more for His great Name. It is all about the Father and His Son and their Word.


You can see these latest pictures from the Philippines. A small group in an area of the Philippines have been sharing His truth and these beleivers now have His Word and are rejoicing and praising the Father for it. They also praise the Father for your gift. HalleluYah. More pictures will be added to the site in the near future.

Be encouraged beloved family for our Abba Father continues to anoint the works of our hands and our labour is never in vain in our Messiah Qodesh Name. HalleluYAH for Halleluyah Scriptures!!

A special thank you to those that made this happen.

Your reward will be great. All we desire is to see those without receive His love letter that is all.

Give thanks to Him for He is good, His love endures forever!!

Hallelu Yah!

Thank you

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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