“From the end of the earth I call unto You, When my heart is faint, Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been my refuge, A strong tower in the face of the enemy. Let me dwell in Your Tent forever, Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah. For you, O Elohim, have heard my vows, You have given me the inheritance Of those who revere Your Name.” ~ Tehillim (Psalms) 61:2-5
HalleluYah Family,
PRAISES to the Most High for He has provided within hours for the 31 Uganda Orphans and in even more was donated to help them, He heard the cries of those in need and He called those that are His to help and you heard that wonderful voice of the Most High calling you and you came running to help His children. HalleluYah.
We praise the Most High for your most generous and kind donations that will help the Ugandan Orphans for the next year. Brother Phillips fasted and prayed for support and is so excited to hear of your assistance. Much rejoicing is being done in Uganda at this time and this is a country that is hungry for the Word and is open to Truth.
HalleluYah for His providence! You are an answer to our prayers and the prayers of Bother Phillips, his helpers, and the Orphans who cry to the Father for help!
You answered their cries. Thank you.
We are ever so grateful for your generosity towards the Ugandan orphans who have a deep love for the Father, His Torah, and Truth and love to learn.
Your gift of love will help with their daily needs and with this kind of pressure taken off, they will be able to learn even more while Brother Philips can put more time into teaching the Torah and also doing visits around and within Ugandan borders.
We are honored to have been entrusted with the opportunity to become the instrument by which to convey your love and kindness to the orphans who need it most.
It is wonderful to be used by the Father to impart His message of love, not only by word, but by acts of kindness done in His Name: relief in times of affliction, refuge in times of danger, and provision in times of need.
You may not be in Uganda doing the work, but you are a huge part of the work through your financial efforts. This work could not be done with your help and you know who you are. We know the Father will show you much favor as you have shown many a lot of favor.
We will keep you updated on the website with pictures/videos of the Orphans and Brother Phillips’s work in Uganda over time. We love to share pictures and videos. HalleluYah.
Our Savior encouraged us to help orphans, and what a great honor to do what our Savior asked.
Psalm 82:3 “Give right-ruling to the poor and fatherless, Do right to the afflicted and needy.”
May the favor of the Father always be with you and again we and those you have helped say a huge HalleluYah and thank you.
Again, a heartfelt, deep thank you,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.