Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

HalleluYah – 130K Materials Starting To Go Out Around The World.

by | Aug 11, 2023

“So then, by their fruits, you shall know them.”
~ Mattithyahu / Matthew 7:20 Please join us to say a Huge HalleluYah. Let us shout for joy for the Father’s Love Letter is being sent around the world. All esteem and praise to the Most High always. A very heartfelt deep THANK YOU to those that donated to have all this material printed and to those who donated for the shipping out of all these pallets. You have left a legacy of love that will last a lifetime. May the Father always show you favor for you have shown a lot of favor to thousands. HalleluYah.

This is your “Treasures” that you have stored up. We pray you enjoy the pictures and artile and give all praise to the Most High.

There has never been a Project like the HalleluYah Scriptures and there has never been a free Restored Names Bible since the first printing of the Bible. The HalleluYah Scriptures Project has worked on many firsts-of-their-kind, like the Biblical Hebrew Edition, and the Project is the only one that has a Hebrew Edition, as we like to encourage His people to learn and understand Hebrew.

This has only been possible because of you His people. Your heart towards those who cannot afford is incredible and wonderful and we pray each day that the Father shows you favor a thousand fold. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It is a great honor to work side by side with you.

We are sharing a large number of photos of the stock being checked and packed. A number of pallets have been sent and more being checked and packed over this month.

Calling all believers around the world. Come one, come all to hear us reach those in need who have no means or options of affording! We need your help to reach groups/fellowships and believers in Africa, India, the Philippines, Russia, the Middle East, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and any other 3rd world country that simply cannot afford to cover costs for a Bible.

It has been so exciting to organize the 130K of materials for those all over the world. So many more needs are being met and so many lives are being touched and changed forever in ways that are so very special because of you, His people. Having His Word is life-changing and truly means a lot to the receiver. It is worth more than all the gold and silver in the world. It is a lifeline as well.

Hate Speech Bans The Bible.
We were notified by a group we have helped for years in Pakistan and have always had to pay a lot of funds to clear each pallet due to large blackmail fees. These have increased by triple, but not only that, we have been informed that customs/govt. in Pakistan consider the Bible as “hate speech.” We are trying to work out a way to get stock to Pakistan without causing issues with the fellowships we support.

Here is what our contact said:
“Shalom, Hope you are well.
Sorry for not being in touch. I was in States for a month. But now I am back in Pakistan.
For pallets, let me talk to someone because nowadays, it’s too risky and if someone will be involved, they will charge too much for allowing clearance and all that stuff. The reason is for religious stuff, after the examination of all the material, they put restrictions on it by saying this is false speech or harassing speech (meaning Hate Speech). This is the reason.
I will let you know, and the decision will be yours.
Thanks, and blessings.”

This led us to do a Google search and we found that countries we have worked with and still work with are on that list, which shocked us greatly, so there is an urgency to get copies into the hands that need them in these countries.

We know that the powers who control the world will use the hate speech excuse to get rid of the Father’s Word and there are plenty of people who will join them to report and lie so they can destroy and get rid of His Word. Even people who call themselves believers put their hands to this kind of wickedness as well as their eyes cannot see good for their eyes are evil against the Father and His Word.

Here are some of the countries.
Here is a list of countries that are severely persecuted and/or where Bibles are illegal or restricted. This list will grow fast as countries unite to forbid His Word. That time is fast approaching.

A list of 52 countries where the bible is illegal and/or severely restricted:
Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Maldives, Mauritania, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan Uzbekistan, Yemen, Algeria, Bhutan, Brunei, China, Cuba, Djibouti, Eritrea, Kuwait, Laos, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Sudan, Tunisia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Central African, Republic Columbia, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines (Mindanao), Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam.

Even believers are wasting time on attacking and abusing other believers who are trying to do their best in this world to reach the lost, when this time could be used to seek out those in need of His Word! When we stand on Judgment Day, we will not be rewarded for abusing others, but by our works – what have we done for the Father with the breath and time He has given us each day? We, as a team, will never stop getting His Word out and trying all we can to find those in need, whether in prison, on the streets, or in countries that forbid His Word.

HalleluYah a brother and his family have donated to cover all costs for shipping to two locations in Pakistan. So, we are able to get so much more into this country and it may be our last shipment as they are truly cracking down hard on Bibles.

Please keep them in our prayers and thank you to the family that donated for this need as it was urgent, we get stock into this country.

The internet will not always be there for His people. Laws are being passed now where you will be required to hand over your passport, driver’s license, and scan your face to get onto the net, and while these may not seem so bad to many, the next step will be something that is against Scripture and we, as a team, will not enter in or break the Torah to stay on the net.

Many of you are aware of what is about to happen in this world and will also walk away from the internet and this worlds system. This is why it is important that you stock up for those days, for they are not too far away. It is our spiritual food, and it is needed for those times for when people come to you asking questions, that is why the team work on the special booklet last year

“Why is this all happening? This is why the Last Days Booklet is important for you to share, which is FREE to share, or get the PDF to email out to those you know and don’t know. We have printed close to half a million of these and they have been sent all over the world for His people to share. We have also added these to the shipments that are going out.

When all the 70 odd pallets have been sent around the world, many of them are going out this week with the others going out daily/weekly. Most will be all out by the end of this month.

We will start planning the next large print run. We thought we were sending 40 pallets, but there are around 70 pallets that are going out, HalleluYah! The Father provided for them all through you and we say a heartfelt, deep thank you to those that donated towards sending all these pallets out. The shipping company has looked upon us in favor because of your prayers.

We will then start again to print another very large print run, and have the funds to cover the next print run. We are looking to print over 100 pallets this time and will ship stock out as needs arise.

We feel this is the way to move forward as paper prices go up and down, and we already know that paper prices are going to increase again soon. We will store the stock in several places so that we can ship when the needs for pallets come up, avoiding unnecessary delays.

Our hearts rejoice and praise the Most High for you all that helped with getting this large shipment printed and shipped. The shipping of all these pallets was donated within days because the Father called His people to step forward to get the 130K of materials out and you sure did, you all came forward to cover ALL costs.

We feel this is the way to move forward as paper prices go up and down, and we already know that paper prices are going to increase again soon. We will store the stock in several places so that we can ship when the needs for pallets come up, avoiding unnecessary delays.

Our hearts rejoice and praise the Most High for you all that helped with getting this large shipment printed and shipped. The shipping of all these pallets was donated within days because the Father called His people to step forward to get the 130K of materials out and you sure did, you all came forward to cover ALL costs.

We truly were touched by your help towards the Father, His Word and His people.

We have been contacted by a large number of groups/fellowships through believers and fellowships in the USA. We are rejoicing that we can help them. The Father has always provided for His Word and has always protected it and we have seen Him always stand up and fight for it as He has since the beginning of printing the Bible. There has never been a free restored Names Bible since the beginning of Bible printing, that is why the enemy hates this project and will stop at nothing to destroy it. Please keep this project in your daily prayers as we all truly need it.

More than ever, we need your prayers. The workload is very heavy and has tripled, as has the support. We are before the Father’s throne asking Him to move His people to pray, even a small prayer, morning and evening. It is truly needed more than ever, as He is in a battle for His Word. We also need it for strength.

We are a small team that needs your prayers and your kind words of encouragement help also. We are more than pleased to give all our time and energy into this work, but need your help, as we cannot do this alone.

The main team works very long hours, up to 16 hours a day, 6 days a week, and, as shared, the Project is very complex, having over 50 volunteers and postal agents around the world. Your prayers for the Project and team are so urgent, as we are only human and trying to do the best, we can each day. We have dedicated our lives to this work and the work with orphans, widows and the truly poor and needly around the world.

The enemy is attacking even harder against the Father’s Word and team as he knows his days are limited. We have so much to do each day and we urgently need prayer, morning and evening for wisdom, strength, and for our health which is important to do the work.

The world has been, and is changing fast, and we need to do all we can, for sudden destruction will be coming upon this world and against His people, many of you are aware of this and see how urgent it is to get as much as His Word out as possible so that people and His people can be informed and find comfort in the coming years for it has all the answers.

We as a team can do this work, but need your prayers and fasting daily as it is the only thing that can help us through this work. We are only flesh and blood and our bodies can only take so much, so need prayer and fasting. Just like in Nehemiah’s times, we are in a similar battle and have to work with one hand and fight spiritually with the other. What we would like is to work with 2 hands while you, His people, pray daily and more if you can and fast a few hours each week, even just fast one meal. Most of you have been praying and fasting all these years which has made a huge difference.

Here is what happened in Nehimiah’s time:

“And it came to be, from that time on, that half of my servants were working in the work, while the other half were holding the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the breastplates. And the rulers were behind all the house of Yahuḏah, who were building on the wall, and those bearing burdens, those loading, working with one hand in the work, and with the other holding a weapon.”

~ Neḥemyah / Nehemiah 4:16-17
We are so excited to finally do the printing and shipping this way, as so much more can be sent out. Instead of a handful of pallets at a time, we are, and will, ship out a huge amount at a time. We praise the Father.

The Ruach gave a vision to a number of team members last year about how the Father is in a HUGE battle for His Word, a fiery battle, and has since the beginning of the first print run. The Father has always won each battle and wins in the end and moves those on that He knows are not right for His Word. There is a Spiritual battle that is not seen but is very real.

So many are coming to Truth and wanting His Word and sadly, many who have called themselves “believers” over the years are falling away and as we all know, the path is narrow and very few find it. But the project is getting a huge number of new believers coming to Truth and wanting His Word.

The Ruach gave a vision to a number of team members last year about how the Father is in a HUGE battle for His Word, a fiery battle, and has since the beginning of the first print run. The Father has always won each battle and wins in the end and moves those on that He knows are not right for His Word. There is a Spiritual battle that is not seen, but is very real.

So many are coming to Truth and wanting His Word and sadly, many who have called themselves “believers” over the years are falling away and as we all know, the path is narrow and very few find it.

Let those who are His and who love His Word stand strong, shoulder to shoulder, lifting each other up. We need to be in more prayer in these dark and hard times. If we stand strong together, we can get through this. Once the sudden destruction happens, there is no turning back.

We have been notified by a number of brothers and sisters that cannot even get onto the internet who have contacted us through written means, and many countries are blocking the internet including many sites. This is why having a hard copy in your hands is important. It is the Father’s Love Letter for His people, written by Him through His people, so His Word is owned by the Father and not any man. It is not right to put a man’s name on the Father’s Word and it is not owned by man for the words are from the Father.

When the Father gave His Words to His people from the beginning He wanted His Name on them, not any man’s, and if a man takes credit for His Word or puts them name outside or inside then it cannot be of the Father. When the Father gave the vision for the HalleluYah Scriptures He wanted NO MAN’S name on the front or inside, He wanted His Name on the cover and inside. He gave a number of things He wanted and the team who received the vision did what was requested by the Father.

If you do not know anyone in need in any 3rd world countries, can you kindly dedicate some time to search out believing groups/fellowships and have them contact us, or you can pass on the information to us so we can help them. We truly as a people need to help as many believers as possible before it is too late and a time is coming, we will not be able to do this work so openly and when that time comes it will be a very sad time.

We have the stock but need to get it out to even more around the world. So if you know ANYONE kindly let us know.

Over the years, we have seen how powerful His Word is, and how it inspires His people to go and share the Truth. There are countless examples of this in the articles over the years, but one that comes to mind is Brother Phillips, whose life was changed forever when he came to the Truth and could not hold it all for himself! It was a precious pearl in his eyes, as in others as well, and was compelled to go and tell as many as he could about the HalleluYah Scriptures and the path of Truth. We have seen this in many countries and seen many lives changed forever.

As you can see in the pictures in the article, the printers are working really hard to check each Book before they start to organize the shipments. We will share more as we receive more photos.

We are hearing stories of fellowships and groups spending a lot of money buying and shipping Bibles to brothers and sisters in 3rd world countries and are here to help and getting His Word into the hands of those that need it in these countries is important.

The HalleluYah Scriptures Project is very complex and not only deals with thousands of people all over the world needing His Word, but also has been working with orphans, widows, lepers and the very poor and needy all over the world and this also takes a lot of our time.

We are not complaining but do need an Army (His people) to raise up and pray like warriors. You will never be loved by the enemy or this world if you obey and pray. We are so many things that need to be done each day, as we receive thousands of emails of needs, many want an ear to listen. The prisoners work with letters and orders take time as well as many other things. Please pray for us as we need it.

We truly want to say a heartfelt, deep thank you to all those who have donated towards all these needs, including the 70 pallets. Your kindness towards the Father and His people shines brightly as a witness. We could not do this work without you all and keep you all in our daily prayers.

You will never see our names on the HalleluYah Scriptures or on the website as it is all about the Father and not our names. We are just lowly willing servants trying to do the best we can. All praise belongs to the Father and not man. Please give Him all the praise.

We truly want to say a heartfelt, deep thank you to all those who have donated towards all these needs, including the 70 pallets. Your kindness towards the Father and His people shines brightly as a witness.

We could not do this work without you all and keep you all in our daily prayers. You will never see our names on the HalleluYah Scriptures or on the website as it is all about the Father and not our names. We are just lowly willing servants trying to do the best we can. All praise belongs to the Father and not man. Please give Him all the praise.

The main team that the Father put together are very protective over the project. We pray and fast over each situation and try and do the best we can. We praise the Father for those that are patient, loving and encouraging. It is not an easy task nor a small job dealing with His Word, a lot of time and effort and most of all prayer and fasting go into this work. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts as this work is so urgent and important. We have a lot more pictures to share of these shipments and pallets and will share them soon with you all.

Kindly keep the stock and pallets in your daily prayers, that they will arrive safely.

Thank you to all the supporters, we pray for you daily and praise the Father for you. We will keep you updated with more pictures of the shipments going out.

Thank  you,

The HalleluYah Scriptures team.


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