Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Many Received His Word – HalleluYah! Ghana, Nigeria & Philippines

by | May 13, 2024

In order that He might give you, according to the riches of His esteem by power, to be strengthened in the inner man, through His Ruaḥ, that ha’Mashiaḥ might dwell in your hearts through belief – having become rooted and grounded in love. – Eph’siyim / Ephesians 3:16-17. The Word of YHWH is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; The Light that is to all people the face of the Almighty and the countenance of the Most High. No one can know the Creator without His Word. No one can walk with Him except by His Word. No one can nurture a relationship with the Father unless he believes His Word, and no one can truly find deliverance except they call upon His Name. Those who know the Father believe His Word and recognize that there is no deliverance apart from hearing and obeying it. This is why it is of utmost importance that we bring His Word to the uttermost parts of the earth, to those who seek the truth and desire to know the Author of Truth, the Creator of the shamayim and of the earth, that they may come to the knowledge of Him.

It is a great privilege to join hands with you, dear brothers and sisters, in this noble endeavor. Together, we seek to be the salt and light of the earth, impacting our families and countries through the powerful tool of prayer.

The works of YHWH are magnificent! His wisdom and Truth endure from age to age, and His love remains steadfast through every generation! There is truly no one comparable to Him! Serving Him is a privilege! HalleluYah! His gracious hand is always upon us, working through us to fulfil His purpose. Amidst life’s uncertainties, He assures us that in Him, we find peace and a promised conclusion.

We rejoice with those who have received their free copies the HalleluYah Scriptures. HalleluYah for our brothers and sisters in Ghana, Nigeria, and the Philippines who have received the Father’s Word with much anticipation and gratitude.

It is a genuine honor and privilege to participate in this collective effort where we stand united in getting His Word out. Your endeavoring to serve as the salt and light of the earth for families and nations, primarily through the impactful practice of giving His Word freely to those in need. There is no greater gift after our Salvation is His Word.

The Word serves as our ultimate source of instruction and guidance, and our Savior stands as the supreme Teacher. According to Scripture, there is only One Teacher, and it is through the guidance of YHWH and the teaching of the Word via the Ruach that we find illumination. Living and navigating the path of Truth becomes challenging without His Word, which is why our earnest desire and commitment lay in distributing His Word to as many individuals as possible—especially to those unable to afford it, supported by the generosity of those who can provide. His Word surpasses worldly possessions and stands as the greatest treasure for believers. Time is swiftly passing, urging us to reach out to as many people worldwide as we can.

The Father’s heart is not willing that any should perish, and so must the hearts of His children be. As we grow to know Him and love Him deeper, we realize that His will for us is to make sure His Words resonate into the farthest corners of the earth, calling to those who seek Him in spirit and in truth. HalleluYah for another milestone in giving the Gift of His Word to thousands upon thousands who cannot afford it. Let us continue to guard His Word and to give them in love to all who seek the Father’s reign.

Empowered by this understanding, we advance with joy as He paves the way for His Word to flourish in more nations, reaching countless lives. Witnessing the expressions of those who receive His Word with eager anticipation and heartfelt gratitude brings us immense delight. While emotions may be fleeting, a life transformed by the eternal truth of His Word endures. They realize they are not abandoned or forgotten, embraced by a Father who comprehends their every necessity and provides the essential gift of His Word, the HalleluYah Scriptures, through the compassion of caring brothers and sisters who made it achievable.

Ghana & Other Poor Countries.

Standing together, let us take a stand for YHWH and become ambassadors of reconciliation for our brothers and sisters worldwide. With bowed knees and lifted arms toward the Father, let us call on the Name of the One who is our strength and melody, our aid and rescuer—the One in whom our trust solely rests, YHWH of hosts! HalleluYah! What an honor to undertake this for the Father and His beloved Son!

The HalleluYah Scriptures project has just been able to send out large shipments to a number of countries, towns and cities with
many FREE materials have been shared all over the world, all donated for by those who have a special love for YHWH and a love for those who are in desperate need of His Word and Truth! We praise the Most High for your support with prayer, fasting and donations.

It is always a joy to see the expressions of gladness and excitement as they receive their free copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures. For many of them, it is the very first time they have ever owned a Bible, let alone the quality copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures, and perhaps could not have even imagined to ever own one given the exorbitant prices of other Restored Names versions.

We are truly grateful and would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for your generous donations of YHWH’s Word to many believers across the world. We continually thank our Elohim as we remember you. In our prayers for you, we rejoice in the unity brought by the Ruach of peace, as we share a common goal: reaching the farthest corners of the world with the Word of Abba YHWH and reconciling those seeking the path of Truth.

“And He who searches the hearts know what the mind of Ruah is, because He makes intercession for the qodeshim according to Elohim. And we all know that all works together for good to those who love Elohim, to those who are called according to  the purpose.” Romiyim/Romans 8:27-28

We deeply believe in the importance of this work, especially in these challenging and final days. Your steadfast support reaffirms this shared belief. We are immensely grateful for entrusting us with the results of your hard work. Rest assured, these contributions are meticulously allocated for creating HalleluYah Scriptures and other reading materials. They are then distributed worldwide, ensuring those in need receive them free of charge and can, in turn, share them freely. It has been an honor to collaborate with you on this endeavor, and our gratitude knows no bounds. Our only prayer is that YHWH may multiply your kindness manifold.

HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES is now at my possession and I’m so excited. It’s more than an excitement for me, I’m very happy for having this HALLELUYAH SCRIPTURES.

See, Ěl is my deliverance, I trust and am not afraid. For Yah, YHWH, is my strength and my song; and He has become my deliverance. Yeshayahu / Isaiah 12:2

Ghana is a country with over 31 million people! It is one of the most populous countries in West Africa, second only to Nigeria. And even though it is the first Sub-Saharan Country in Africa to Gain Independence, adding to this its very diverse and rich natural resources, it still remains relatively one of the poorest countries in the world. This is due to many factors. Keep them in your prayers.

Every day brings incredible GOOD NEWS, and it is a tremendous privilege to serve the Most High with His Word. There is no greater fulfilment than serving the Father and His people alongside you. We recognize the increasing darkness in the world and the actions of those aligned with the enemy. But we keep our heads down and the Father does all the battling for His Word. HalleluYah

When we look closely, these factors are also so logically inter-related that one exists because of one or two of the others. Like many of its African neighbors, the country remains a victim of exploitation to this day. However, according to the 2018 Global Peace Index, Ghana and many African countries ranks as the fourth most peaceful country in Africa and the 41st most peaceful one in the world.

While many other African countries are engaged in civil wars and wars with neighbouring nations, Ghana has been able to maintain a relatively stable peaceful state, not without its share of smaller conflicts and localized crimes mainly due to poverty.

We acknowledge our inability to alter the hearts of the wicked, trusting that the Most High, who has consistently fought for His Word and emerged victorious, will continue to do so. His Word solely belongs to Him; neither man’s name nor any individual’s recognition appears on the HalleluYah Scriptures or the website, as all honor and esteem are exclusively His. The peace we possess is a gift from our Father, and daily we offer our praises to Him.

The supporters of HalleluYah Scriptures have incredibly generous hearts and recognize the significance of providing free copies to those without access to His Word. The gift of receiving these copies freely is made possible through the dedicated efforts of others who hold a special place in their hearts for the Most High. Rest assured; your kindness will be rewarded by the Father when we all join Him. HalleluYah.

The Orders of YHWH are straight, rejoicing the heart; The Command of YHWH is clear, enlightening the eyes; The reverence of YHWH is clean, standing forever; The Right-Rulings of YHWH are true, They are righteous altogether, more desirable than gold, Than much fine gold; And sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
Tehillim/Psalms 19:8-10

The HalleluYah Scriptures team continue on with its mission of reaching as many as we can in this country with the Word of the Father, despite, if not because, of all this. Where the need is greatest and help is least available, that’s where His Word is most needed.

Thanks to all the volunteers and supporters all over the world, we were able once again to provide thousands of HalleluYah Scriptures and materials along with a variety of printed and audio materials to those who could not afford it otherwise, equipping many of our poor brothers and sisters with the Sword of Truth, and enabling them to teach others around them and bring His Good News to their fellow Ghanaians. HalleluYah!

Zambia & Other African Countries

The HalleluYah Scriptures has been working with brothers and sisters in this country for 14 years and have a wonderful relationship with thousands of His people.

Truly, the Maker of all things is remarkably wise and extraordinary! His Word has revealed His plan from the beginning, and those familiar with Him and treasure His Word recognize that life’s solutions lay solely within Scripture. Across generations, those who keenly watch and anticipate witness the continual fulfilment of Scripture every day. This has been made possible because of you the Father’s children.

Children From South Africa.

We love the brethren in this country and work with a good number to spread the HalleluYah Scriptures to those in need. The project has been able to send in tens of thousands of free materials and continue to throughout the year. We love those we work with as they are compassionate and filled with deep love for His people.

The unfolding events around us have been foretold in Scripture, acting as a continual gentle reminder through the ages, encouraging all creation to reorient towards the Creator. Indeed, the imminent Day of YHWH, as described in His Word, is feared for its severity. Nevertheless, He has granted us not a spirit of fear, but one filled with strength, love, and self-discipline for those who obey and follow His Truth.

Uganda Love The HalleluYah Scriptures

We have a wonderful connection with Uganda and do a lot of work in this country, not only with His Word but also helping orphans, widows and the truly poor and needy. What a great honor it is.

Let us pray that the end days do not catch us off guard like a thief in the night, as it will for many. May He find us patiently awaiting and firmly rooted in His Word. As we prepare for difficult times ahead and the deceit that will mislead many, let us find comfort in the knowledge that thousands of believers around the world, just like us, are praying and fasting together—beside us, for us—earnestly seeking our Father’s mercy and favour each day.


Let us rejoice as our brothers and sisters in Nigeria receive YHWH’s Word! Another very large shipment has just arrived into Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya.

Nigerian brethren are all smiles as they receive a variety of supplementary reading materials, teaching aids, children’s books, audio books, and, most importantly, the HalleluYah Scriptures. All free of charge. We love and enjoy our work in this country.

In these times, it is essential for believers to deepen their walk, seeking wisdom and understanding through the HalleluYah Scriptures. The teachings and prophecies found in the Word can offer solace, enlightenment, and a guide for navigating any challenges and trials that may surface.

In a world shadowed by depression and despair, we acknowledge that only our Father can safeguard our hearts and minds through His Word. We have confidence that He never abandons those who trust in Him, depending solely on His Word as their supreme truth. His Ruacḥ ha’Qodesh remains their constant companion and guide.

“and My people upon Whom my Name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I shall hear from the shamayim and forgive their sin and heal their land. Dibreyhay’yamim 2/ 2 Chronicles 7:14

The recipients in Awada assembly were glad and praise YHWH for the free Halleluyah’s Scriptures. Great work and thank those who made it possible to reach them with the Scriptures.

The objective of the HalleluYah Scriptures to bring the Father’s Word to those who cannot afford. We love our Nigerian brothers and sisters, and we pray that every copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures will bring light into the life of each person, and each family who receives it.

Let us rejoice as our brothers and sisters in Nigeria receive YHWH’s Word! Nigerian brethren are all smiles as they receive a variety of supplementary reading materials, teaching aids, children’s books, audio books, and, most importantly, the HalleluYah Scriptures. All free of charge. Keep them in our daily prayers.

Shalom Brethren, This is to inform you that I received the children resources you sent me. Thank you very much.


It has been more than a 2 decades since the Project was started, and we could never have imagined it to grow into what it is today. As all great things, this Project traces its history to humble beginnings, mainly the desire to provide the written Word of the Father with His Name restored free of charge to those who need it most wherever they may be. Since the first copies were printed in 2009, the Project has expanded its borders to reach at least of the world directly, with some acting as hubs to neighbouring countries in their region.

What an honor it has been as we remember the thousands upon thousands of families throughout Africa that we have reached with the brightness of His Word, Nigeria being one of the countries that receive largest shipments on a regular basis of HalleluYah Scriptures and other materials.

This comes as no surprise since Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa with a current population that is estimated to reach 215 million this year. We are truly grateful for how the Father has provided for the project and what He has accomplished through it in this country. Thank you to our Nigerian brethren whose hard work and dedication to their countrymen have been a source of inspiration to the team. YHWH barak you!

Believers all over the world have helped this project come to fruition, and many more who have the heart for this work have stood with the project through the years making all of this possible. Thank you to all our supporters, old and new! You have been a consistent answer to our prayers, as we know you have been constant in prayer for the project.

All praise and honour be to our Almighty Father in the shamayim who looks down upon His children with favour and kindness. Indeed, His ways are past finding out and we rejoice in the esteem of His Word which has accomplished so much in the lives of our Nigerian brethren who gladly received it and conducted their lives in accordance to it. HalleluYah for His Word!


We love the Philippines and have been working in this country since 2099. Three of our main team live in this country and they have dedicated their lives to this work all these years, giving up their lives to serve the Father with all their hearts. Forsaking their lives to serve many hours a day 6 days a week. So much work has been done in this country and you can see the work in many articles and videos. Thousands upon thousands have received free HalleluYah Scriptures and materials. Many fellowships, groups and believers love the HalleluYah Scriptures and give so much praise to the Most High for their copy.

From the vast low plains of Ghana and other African Countries to the plateaus and hills of Nigeria, let us end our journey in a small archipelagic country in Southeast Asia consisting of more than 7,600 islands where an estimated 112 million people live. HalleluYah for the Philippines!

Thank You for this HalleluYah Scriptures you Published, By using His Original name YHWH.

Be still, and know that I am Elohim; I am exalted among nations, I am exalted in the earth! YHWH of hosts is with us; The Elohim of Ya‛aqoḇ is our refuge. Selah.  Tehillim/Psalms 46:10-11

A special thank you to those who pray as it holds immense power, offering strength during difficult times. As you are aware, being united, we belong to Him, providing us with strength and solace, knowing that we have our Father and His Son in our lives. Philippines is so special, so much work has been done in this wonderful Country. Four team members live in this Country and have worked full time on the Project for over 12 years, they work full time without pay for they love to serve the Father as we all do.

Some of our Filipino brothers and sisters around the world have been working with us for most of the past decade to make many of the HalleluYah Scriptures, books, children’s books, Cards of Hope and audio materials available to brothers and sisters in the Philippines. Our volunteers there have been supplying many individuals and a number of groups and organizations with free HalleluYah Scriptures for many of our Filipino brethren who desire to own a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures that restores the Name of our Father in Paleo Hebrew.

Toda Rabba for these website a free bible for the thirsty people of Elohim, I command and pray for blessing to you all and to other that you help.

Qadosh them in Your truth – Your Word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also sent them into the world. And for them I qadosh Myself, so that they too might be qadosh in truth.  Yoḥanan/John 17:17-19

It is common knowledge that the population in the Philippines is predominantly Roman Catholic due to the Spanish colonization which lasted for more than 3 centuries, the rest are Protestant Christians and a Muslim minority. But the HalleluYah Scriptures has gone a long way into changing lives in this country. Countless believers has walked away from their Catholic roots.

In the past many ears, many Filipinos have been asking the right questions leading them to a quest for truth, the truth about their identity as a nation and the discovery of the Father’s and His Ben’s true Names.

These Filipino brothers and sisters have been relentless in seeking YHWH through His Word. And because of their love for each other, they strive as much as they can to contribute to the proliferation of the HalleluYah Scriptures and what it stands for. The Philippines is home to pur team and many of our friends, steadfast supporters and prayer warriors. HalleluYah for their love for the Father and His Bĕn! (Son)

HalleluYah Scriptures – Supporting the Poor in Kenya – Feeding Programs & Needs.

The volunteers in Kenya give tireless service to their fellow believers and countrymen. With their help, the HalleluYah Scriptures is able to regularly conduct a feeding program to alleviate the effects of poverty in some of the Kenyan indigent communities where there are brothers and sisters who cry out to the Father for the Father’s Word.  It is an honor to be used by the Father to provide them a temporary reprieve from the struggles brought about by food scarcity and poverty, and we do whatever we can to help them support themselves.

We would like to thank those who have contributed to this effort. YHWH knows your names, and He will pour out His favor upon you for the kindness you have shown in His Name. Our Kenyan brethren thank you for your generosity!

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of our volunteers, supporters, benefactors, and prayer warriors. You know who you are and the Father knows you by name, all those around the world who have been instrumental in making every one of these endeavors possible. Remember you are always in our prayers with thanksgiving and supplication that the Father provide all your needs and look with favor upon you for all the ways you have benefited this great work.

We believe we are entering the last days as the Scriptures have foretold. The Words of the Father echoes in the hearts and minds of His people, as events around the world unravel before our eyes daily. And though we know that things aren’t what they often seem, we can be certain that everything is happening according to our Father’s plan.
And so, we at HalleluYah Scriptures work all the more ardently as we see the night approaching when no man can work. A famine of hearing the Word will be part of these final days, making it more urgent now than it has ever been for us to produce and send out as many HalleluYah Scriptures as we can to those who are in need of them. As ha’Mashia came to proclaim His Father’s Word, so too must we until every ear has heard.

By His Word were the shamayim and earth created, and by His Word they endure. By His Word He will make them new and by His Word He will usher in His reign. By His Word His people are qadosh and by His Word they will be delivered from death! All praise and esteem be to the Father! HalleluYah for His Word!

Say a Huge HalleluYah.

Thank you and Shalom!
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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