Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Ghana, Dominica, Romania, Switzland & South Africa Receiving HalleluYah Scriptures Freely!!!

by | Aug 27, 2014

Switzerland anna“Oh give thanks to YHWH, for He is good! because His kindness is everlasting.” Psalms/Tehillim 118:1

HalleluYah to the Father for He has provided His Word to thousands in the United Kingdom, Europe and many western countries all over the world. These two sisters on the right were so excited to receive copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures. One of these sisters took copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures with the audio into Yisra’el. She was excited to be able to be used by the Father to reach His people. All praise to the Father and His Son.

Romanian 2014 aprilWe have been sending stock to Romania for a while now and there is a lovely group of brothers that make it their mission to share the Father’s truth. They find it much easier when they have copies of the Father’s Words to share. Those that receive shipments say that the HalleluYah Scriptures is so anointed and so gladly received with such joy and keenness to read it and learn more truth.

We have been working with believers in these countries for a while now and it has been a wonderful journey in seeing new faces and reading their special words have touched our hearts deeply.

Ghana 1 march 2014The next two photographs are from Ghana, Africa. We have been working with a number of elders and brothers who have traveled to a number of places in Africa and who have taken copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures with them to share with families who have never seen nor owned a restored Name Scriptures, and in most cases never knew one existed. A number of those who received freely have stated that they felt that brothers and sisters in the western world had forgotten them and at times they felt lonely and in despair for they had no Scriptures to read and learn from. It is a hard road to walk without a copy of the Father’s Word.

Ghana 2 march 2014We want to say a special thank you on behalf of those who received a copy of the HalleluYah Scriptures freely. They want us to pass on a special thank you to those who donated to help others.

Please keep these brothers and sisters in your prayers as they need our prayer as it is not an easy life to live in this country.

“Thank you from Ghana, to those who donated copies of the HalleluYah Scriptures for our fellowship. May YHWH bless you for this generous gift. Please remember us in your prayers as we do remember you. Kindness and blessings to the Father YHWH.”


Dominica, West Indies2The Dominica Republic is a country we have been working with. A brother there has worked with us for a while now, working to get free copies to families in need of the Father’s Word. These families have no means or options of affording and sincerely needed a copy for their family to share. Those in need in poorer countries are more than pleased to share a copy with their family and extended family as they know the needs are so desperate and urgent around the world and that we do not have unlimited copies. They are just so grateful for the one copy. Some of the fellowships we work with have up to 200 families and sometimes more, so are more than pleased to have one for them to share with their family.

Dominica, West Indies 1“Shalom Family at HalleluYah Scriptures, I want to firstly thank Abba Yah for the special gift I received of the HalleluYah Scriptures. What an amazing Bible this is and I am honoured to own such a Book. Thank you.”

The large shipment has arrived in South Africa and our postal agent is working on all the back orders. We work with a number of brothers who are reaching out to those who are in need of a restored Name Scriptures. We has been sending in smaller boxes over the years but now sending in larger shipments. Many more will now be able to receive freely in South Africa. We will keep large shipments going regularly to South Africa as the needs are urgent. A huge thank you to all the supporters who made this shipment happen.

Philippines april 2014South Africa has a special place in our hearts and the Father has led us to send this large shipment so that He can have His people receive freely and share freely with those in need.

A number of brothers in South Africa also visit the poorer side of town, areas where many will not go as it is considered dangerous. They feel it is their duty to reach those who have been forgotten and forsaken. We will be sending the Children’s Book and Cards of Hope in next so that children in South Africa can come to read and enjoy this special Book that is the first of it’s kind with all Scripture. Keep your eyes on a future article on the arrival of the South African shipment and see many who are receiving freely.

HalleluYah and thank you from

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team

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