Shalom All Supporters, We pray you are well. Our prayers are with you all daily and we thank you for your prayer, fasting, support and love towards the Project and team over the years, it really has given us strength to keep doing this important work. The Project and works have grown fast over the years, and it has been a great honor in serving the Most High and you, His people.
We praise the Father for you and the love you have shown in helping tens of thousands of people all over the world to have His Love Letter – the HalleluYah Scriptures. There has never been a Project like the HalleluYah Scriptures and for that, the enemy hates it and uses anyone to do his work to try and destroy this amazing Project that belongs 100% to the Father.
We, as a team, are just volunteers working freely and truly try do the best we can with the hours given to us. We love to serve and as we have shared many times, have always tried to share as much of the Project with you through Newsletters and Articles on the website. We pray you have seen the good fruits that have been produced over the years and praise the Most High, for He deserves it all. We have so enjoyed helping brothers and sisters who have no means of affording a Restored Name Scriptures, supported by those who can afford, like you.
We have had the pleasure in helping those in 3rd world countries, prisoners, orphans, widows and those who are homeless and those in the western world who truly cannot afford. We know the enemy has tried very hard to destroy this Project, but has failed each time as more and more of those who are without find this project through you, His people, so they do not go without.
Over the years the project has been able to smuggle HalleluYah Scriptures into many countries to those in need of His Word. The family below is one that we have helped in China a number of times and altough many of you may not be aware of what is happening in China, masses have been locked down for months and their buildings sealed so that the people cannot get out.
Many are on the brink of starvation and have no supplies. This is coming to the world, which is why we have always said it is important to stockpile not only your food, but also spiritual “food” for those who will come across your path wanting Truth. There is a famine coming for hearing His Word and it is important we stock up on His Word for the days that are coming upon us rapidly.
There is truly no time for attacking His people and those trying to do the best they can. It is time to get our lives in order, stripping away the reliance on the system and do all we can to reach as many as we can before the internet is gone completely. If you are walking in Truth then the next step the world’s system has for us all will be very hard and decisions need to be made, for those that are His will not take what is offered to keep the internet or bank accounts.
This time is coming fast, so kindly help us reach as many people as possible outside the USA as it takes a while to organize large shipments due to paperwork. Also, we have offered many times for you to take a free box of the HalleluYah Scriptures to store for those days.
Weekly, even daily, we get a huge number of emails from people who are suffering and hurt and come to seek comfort and we try our best to help them. The Project and team deal with thousands of emails a week which is hard to fathom for many, but we try and do the best we can. If we have missed your email message kindly forgive us and try again.
We express our love and prayers to each person as much as possible, so kindly keep us in your prayers each day and if you can fast even a little to help give us strength to keep the workload going.
We have some amazing news to share with you:
We have had a number of containers of stock come in over the past month since our big move and thank you to those that supported the relocation. It was a heavy battle but won by the Father, for His Word belongs to Him and Him alone and He has always helped overcome to get it to those who cannot afford. Please accept our deep thanks for being there for His Word and team.
We praise the Most High for a brother who has been an amazing supporter over the years, he has covered the costs for shipping containers and also the extra building that is needed to be done which will give the project double the space and more, he has also covered the cost for a new and stronger path to the containers and warehouse which was needed. We will update you with lots of pictures of the building being worked on and the laying of the new path. A brother on the team has a team of brothers who are at the new property now and are beginning work on these projects. Please pray for them.
On top of this, prayers have been answered and the old house/warehouse has been sold with the donated funds being returned to the original donor who has covered the cost for the new place. HalleluYah. The out goings on the new property is next to nothing and is covered by supporters who have offered to help.
HalleluYah, the property/warehouse gained in value and not only were we able to give back the funds to the donor, but we covered all the costs for that building that served as a warehouse and place for the postal agents to live. We have funds left over to help with shipping the next lot of pallets out around the world. The Father is amazing and there are no words to describe how wonderful and compassionate He is toward His people and Word! The project has always been provided for by His people for they know it belongs to the Father.
There is nothing in this world that interests us, but to get as much stock as possible distributed around the world and we need your help to do this so kindly help us to seek those in need of free copies.
Money has to change hands in some of the countries we deal with, as the Bibles are forbidden to go into these countries, also plenty of smuggling is done through a number of people to get His Word into the hands that need them. The Project is more complex than most will know, as it is not just about those in the western world who have computers and phones to order at the click of a mouse. It is the heart of the Most High and this Project to help those that the world has left and forgotten. We have seen the hand and heart of the Father daily in this Project and we have seen His compassion which is beyond words.
A huge percentage that we deal with have no computers or phones, scarcely able to feed their families and our heart cries for them as the world continues to push them down and tries to take even His Word from them.
Here is part of a message from one of our contacts in China, so please pray for them:
“Here in China, where I have been living, it has been dramatically changed in the last 3 years. For the internet web sites (or blog or cafe) which was accessible before one by one being blocked and not able to access it.
The HalleluYah Scriptures web site is one of them.
Here VPN is illegal and even if you have one it’s not a permanent solution for those web service being blocked already.
Currently I am not able to put order through the web site. That’s why I contacted through email to find a workaround with ordering more stock.
I and my family we are preparing and relying on the hard copies of His Words in our hand instead of web service.
We hope and pray for those waterproof Scriptures being delivered safely so we can travel with it freely.
Again, it’s getting harder to get His Word through web site and it is becoming more precious for us to keep hard copy ones next us.
Many thanks for your understanding and supporting.”
We pray that His people will wake up and do all they can to help those in need, kindly seek them out and contact us about those you are working with. We will do the best we can, but understand, we are dealing with thousands of people all over the world so kindly be patient with us. We deal with close to 50 postal agents around the world who send out huge amounts of orders and many volunteers who work on the project weekly are a part of this important project. It is not a small project but is made up of many believers who give their time freely.
We need prayer for wisdom and strength to keep going, as the enemy loves to battle us down, but we will not stop until our last breath.
We are receiving a lot of message similar to the one above and this is why the Father has always had the team focus on getting His physical Word into hands, as electronic apps and devices will be of little use in the last days. It is so important that you have a hard copy in your hands, for you will regret not having His Word to physically hold and read. If you cannot afford, please order a free copy on the website.
We are accelerating into the last days and we want to get as many pallets out as possible around the world, but we need your help to reach even more groups/fellowships who can take stock and share it with those who do not have a Restored Names Bible. it is our duty to help the poor and we need your help now to get the thousands of copies we have to share FREELY out to groups.
The Project has many postal agents and volunteers around the world and we, as a team, have worked with these believers for 10 to 12 years and have enjoyed our relationship. We also have print runs go directly from our printers to postal agents as it saves on shipping costs. The project deals with many printers around the world.
“Those sowing in tears, shall reap with songs of joy. He who goes on and weeps, Bearing seed for sowing, Shall indeed come in with rejoicing, Bearing his sheaves.” Tehillim / Psalms 126:5-6
We are preparing a large number of pallets now for the following countries, some are new contacts that we have been working with on a smaller scale, but it is time to go even bigger with these countries:
Ghana, Namibia, Liberia, Malawi, South Africa a third postal agent, Jamaica, Pakistan, Zambia, Uganda second postal agent, Kenya second postal agent, Cuba, Colombia, Panama, Puerto Rio, Mexico, and a number of other Countries which we will share in another article. These are on top of all our other postal agents around the world.
We are working on 30+ pallets of stock to go out within the next few weeks and the paperwork is being prepared and worked on which is the biggest part of sending shipments. They are being packed by the team and the extra team members who volunteer at the warehouse, these are those doing the building and paving. They will be helping prepare some of the pallets destined for overseas to waiting hands.
We are also working on moving around 100K of materials around the world from different postal agents including our main warehouse over the next few months. We are getting requests weekly for bulk stock and are working on more countries to take the Escrituras HaleluYah, Spanish Edition.
If you know ANY Spanish speaking group/fellowship in ANY country outside of the USA that can take a shipment and help, get orders out to those in need, kindly let us know, as we need your help to seek out those in need.
The new postal agent families, with a total of seven, are working around the clock 5 to 6 days a week to get the new warehouse in order, in which they have done an incredible job. On top of this, they also send out a massive number of orders and large parcels weekly.
They have done an amazing work for the Most High in such a short period of time. They have a roster where they are working throughout the day and much of the night to the early hours of the morning and acknowledge that time is short and we need to do as much as possible for the Father’s people, forsaking self, doing all we can each day with the time allotted to us.
The project really needed two families to do this work as the workload is huge. We have other postal agents in the USA that also send out orders to help take pressure off the main warehouse.
Praises to the Most High for a prison ministry that deals with close to half of the HalleluYah Scriptures prisoners requests. They read the letters from the prisoners and sort the prisoners orders out with us. HalleluYah
It is such a great honor to serve the Father in this way and we, as a team, have always considered it the best work one can do for the Father and His people.
A lot of stock is coming in and going out around the world from the printers, the project uses different names due to a number of countries not being favorable to His Word so the project uses different names so as not to expose His people.
Our main warehouse and all the postal agents around the world are working as hard as they can to do as much as possible, for they to feel a palpable urgency. This is why the team have no time for houses or material things as there has never been time to look after anything else, so have lived a basic life and the Father knows this and we stand before Him in all we do.
As you can see, the orders have increased incredibly and all the postal agents around the world are moving hundreds of copies a week. We did an article on the HalleluYah Scriptures postal agents starting with around seven, who shared their testimony of their work for the Most High. We will be working on the next postal agent article in the coming weeks but need to focus on getting as many pallets out as possible.
We seek no thanks, recognition or praise, for we are the lowest of the low and always question why the Father would use us, as we often feel worthless and inadequate, but we are willing servants. We know we will always be hated and attacked for getting His Word out for Free. We rejoice and praise the Most High for the attacks as our Savior said,
Matt 5:11 “Barukh are you when they reproach and persecute you, and falsely say every wicked word against you, for My sake.”
We pray you have been touched by the HalleluYah Scriptures and the Project over the years, having tried to do the best we can with the hours given daily. The team has worked to produce books that honor the Father and help His people become closer to the Father and His people.
Many of the projects have been quite special and one of a kind, like the English/Hebrew Parallel Edition and we have enjoyed sharing the only Restored Name Parallel Edition with the world. Soon the 4×4 (which is limited edition of 500 with English, Biblical Hebrew, Paleo Hebrew and the Proto Hebrew) will be ready. This has been a number of years in the works, and we pray to have it printed early next year. There is a number of books that team has worked on over the years that have benefited His people. The project has been able to send out tens of thousands of free items all over the world because of you, His people.
Orders sent out receive a Name Meanings Book and, in most cases, receive the Torah of YHWH book, which is so important, this book is the most popular book the project has after His Word. We also try and send other free items to those that order and donate as we love to share His Word and books and encourage others to do the same.
The project has completed a number of Children’s Books & movies and Coloring Books that are ALL Scripture, these are sent to 3rd world Countries with other special editions as those in these countries have no means of affording. These are supported by those who can afford.
We want to take the time to say a very special thank you once again for your support and encouragement to keep going. Your messages have touched our hearts deeply and we praise the Most High for you.
As you know, we are always here to answer any questions you may have and pray you enjoy the 12K or more comments on the comments page. there are around 60K of comments to be added to the page, but it all takes time.
Look out for our next exciting article, we will be sharing the work with orphans, widows and the truly poor. It will touch your heart deeply. HalleluYah for the supporters who have helped the HalleluYah Scriptures poor programs.
May the Most High show you favor always,
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.