“For this reason I also suffer these but
I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have
believed and am persuaded that he is able to watch over that which I have entrusted to Him until that Day.” 2 Timotiyos/Timothy 2:12
HalleluYah, we want to share some very special pictures of brothers and sisters in the Congo, Africa. A big HalleluYah to those that supported us in getting these copies to these believers who are on the path of truth. It has been a great honor in providing free HalleluYah Scriptures to our brother and sisters in Africa. The Father has led us to hundreds of brothers and sisters in Africa but there is thousands more we need to help as there is many countries in Africa.
“We want to express a special thank you to those that donated for our free copies of this Bible. It has led many to truth and each family is enjoying the HalleluYah Scriptures. “
“Praises to the King of Kings. Praises to Yah. Please pass on our gratitude to the donators that gave for us to have this special Bible. Families are rejoicing and want to say “THANK YOU”. Hallelu-YAH”
They are so patient as many of them have waited many years for that one copy, they are never demanding or expect a copy but when one is given to them they are speechless and in shock that they now own a treasure beyond words.
“Greetings From Africa, thank you brothers and sisters for sending us a box full of Bibles with the true Names. We all praised Yah over these gifts.”
“Thank you with all our hearts for helping us when we needed help with getting free Scriptures. We could not afford these in a life time. We give YHWH all the praise and thanks.”
The Father and His Son are reaching even more brothers and sisters in Africa and it is amazing to see many needs met. It really amazes us how the Father works and how He reaches those who are unreachable.
We have seen places, brothers and sisters reached in the most impossible ways and it could only be the hand of the Father.
We as a team enjoy our work and fill so privillaged to be able to do this serve. As we have shared, it has not always been easy but the good far outweights the bad. The enemy has never stopped or slept when it comes to the Father’s Word, many have always claimed it as their own, they have always added their own words above His Word, man has always stopped His people receiving freely His Word and only the rich have only been able to afford a copy.
Hundreds of believers have been burnt at the stake or tortured for getting His Word out to those in need. They were considered liars, cheats, dishonest, heretics and haters for translating and printing His Word. Many were burnt at the stake like as in these early pictures below. We as a team do not expect less and will continue to work as hard a possible until the night comes when we will not be able to do this important work. John/Yohanan 9:4
It is heart-breaking to hear the stories we do and it weights heavy on our hearts that there is still thousands around the world who have never owned a copy of the Father’s Word and have no means or options of affording. The Father has been wonderful since this project stated early to mid 2000’s and have provided through His people since the beginning. We have never had to worry or concern ourselves with the devil’s attacks or the funds for each print run for the project belongs to the Father and His Son and not to any man. We like you are just mere servants of the Most High and our reward is from above and not on this earth.
We want to say a heartfelt thank you to all those who pray, support and donate to this project. We pray that the Father will barak (bless you) you and keep you and know our prayers are with you all.
Thank you
The HalleluYah Scriptures Team