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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Bro Bobby USA

Thank you for the material, I have some friends and family that will be worshipping Our Father with me. My son and friends are getting some of the books and bibles. I will order more things when they ask me too. Love You all with all my heart :-)

Thank you very much USA

Thank you very much and am very happy to recieve my first restored names scriptures my yahuah bless you in all you are doing to get his true word out to his lost sheep. Blessings in the name of yahushua ha mashiach

Domingo USA

Shalom. Just a little note to thank you for your quick shipment of my Halleluyah Scriptures pocket edition. I received it this morning. Also, thank you for the tracts you sent.

Evelim United Kingdom

Hello, I am here to tell my happiness about to have the Halleluyah Scriptures! It is such a blessing, I am very thankfull for the responsible for this project. I pray that our Lord keeps blessing you all! I loved the audio cd as well, very well made! Many, many blessing from our Heavenly Father always to you all!
Moses M – Liberia

Moses M – Liberia

I, Moses M. Jallah, having received the HalleluYah Scripture from Nazarene Israel Assembly Liberia, was filled with joy and relief from the ordinary Scripture. This HalleluYAH Scripture will teach me to know the original names of our Father YHWH and his son Yahshua. HalleluYAH!!! Bro. Moses M. Jallah

Your sister in Yah USA

Thank you for all your hard work. I am new to knowing His true name. I have been saved for 26 years,I feel so lied to and sad I have been using the wrong name for years.I want to get the word out about the truth. I will pray for your work and help with money or other things as I can. Your sister in Yah

GP NSW Australia

I love the non- greedy spirit of this project and the importance of restoring our creator and his son’s correct name to its rightful place. What a great job. May His Name be praised.

Halleli YHWH

My dear friends in Messiah Yahushua, It is a great barakah to take part in this project. Father Himself provided the funds to share with you, as I have little of my own. He takes care of me so wonderfully, from day to day. You have my most fervent prayers. The rest of this donation may go to postage or whatever your greatest need. I am excited about these Scriptures going into the nation of Israel, and all around the world!

Shalom aleichem

Shalom, Toda! We pray for your ministry as we also believe you are doing a vital task, especially for these Last Days, in getting the Truth (free of misconceptions/erroneous doctrines fostered by earlier English translations) to the body of Messiah. As soon as we see the Third Temple being rebuilt in Yerushalayim, we will know His Return is drawing near…and time is getting short. Our kehilat is tiny but growing in the Word with each passing week, as the Spirit often leads newcomers to join our bible studies. Our rabbi reaches out to and connects with other Messianic groups in India and on the Mainland through the internet, so it’s a good thing. He recommends your website to all those in need of a good Aramaic based translation of His Word. Again, thank you for your great service to our Father the Father of Avraham, Blessed be He. Shalom aleichem,

Texas USA

From your website I believe in what you are doing for Yah and pray that it is so. Worldwide we are in hunger for His Truth, not only the 3rd world countries, but America has no excuse and we will pay for the sins of our leaders/fathers, and so now we are, in that we are having to weed through almost 2 millennium of man made traditions. Soon to be in a famine of food also. Anyway we do what we may as we let the Ruach lead. So let me know the reference and I will give as I am able.

South Africa

Hi there friends! I would give my two front teeth to get a copy of this book! I would also be very grateful if I could get a couple more to hand out to my friends here in South Africa? We are walking on a NEW ROAD with YAHWEH and YAHSHUA our Messiah and would love to learn the TRUTH from reliable sources! (I can’t afford right now to donate anything towards your fund, but I WILL as soon as I can!!!) Much love and SHALOM to you in that part of our world! (Free copies sent)


Shalom aleichem Please could you send me 2 copies of the scriptures when they are available. I have been searching for a translation like this for a long time and it is amazing to see this being given for free, may YHWH bless you for this service. I will donate something to help with this cause but unfortunately I cannot help as much as I would like as I do not have a lot of money but my prayers are with you as you spread the Word.(copies sent)


Shalom my brothers and sisters in Mashiah, always praying for all of you there at HalleluYah Scriptures and your project. but also praying WITH you always as well. That all of you and your work continue to be led of the Ruah of Yahweh Eloah through faith in our risen King Yahshua. Please utilize the funds I sent however the Ruah leads you. Just keep spreading His Word and the Gospel Message to the nations :)

UK Praises Yah

Dear Sir, i would really like to donate for the printing but it i have not gotten any money. i am in search for undiluted truth, a friend recommended halleluyahscriptures.com to me. i will appreciate your effort towards sending the scripture. (free copy sent)


I would be very glad to have my own copy of the scriptures written with true names of the Father and the Son because there are no available copies of it here in my country.Our assembly will greatly appreciate it..Thanks and to Yah be the honor. (free copy sent)

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