Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Children’s Book In English & Spanish In Stock – Order Today!!!

by | Aug 13, 2014

English CB new“Look children are an inheritance from YHWH, the fruit of the womb is the reward. As arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the children of one’s youth.” Psalms/Tehillim 127:3-4


HallleuYah, the Children’s book is finely completed and in stock after well over a year of very hard work. This is history in the making with bringing the Father’s Word to life. There has never been a special life like book like this with all Scripture. There is no footnotes, comments or doctrines but only the pure Word. The art work has been hand drawn and inspired by the Ruach and the pictures are bright and alive and exciting for children.

cb english backYou will not find cartoon characters in these books,  when children see cartoons they think fairy tales, lies and untruths and will not take it seriously. This book has taken over a year to completed as the artwork is very detailed and much prayer was put into choosing the appropriate Scriptures. Children all over the world will love these books day after day and will be inspired and barak (blessed) by the Father’s Word. The artwork brings to life the Words which are all Scripture with nothing else being added. Children around the world will come to know about  the Creation and learn about the fall and the promise redeemer our Savior all I one book.

Spanish CB new

What a wonderful way to teach and share the Father and His Son’s truth to your children or to your grandchildren or those children that you come in contact with. They will be amazed at this book and will come to love the Father’s Word.  Children are like sponges and will soak up the Word and pictures and will be delighted and excited.

Above on the right is the cover of the Spanish children’s book. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and there is  thousands of Spanish children who will love this special edition in their own language. The Father loves the children of the world and has led the HalleluYah Scriptures team to spend the time in putting these special editions together. It was a great honor to be  able to do this special work.

001 childrens Yahweh

We are working on the Children’s Book on DVD. The audio parts and sound effects and music has been completed and the animation is being worked on.

There has been a number of pages completed for the animation and we pray to have this history in the making DVD competed early to mid next year.

This special DVD will bring to life the Father’s Word for many children as it will be in many languages, again it is the first of it’s kind and will be enjoyed by thousands of children all over the world. HalleluYah !!!


CB CoverKasOn the left is the children’s book in the Kenyan language for many thousands of children in Africa. Children that receive this  book in their own language feel so special that they have a book from the Father and His Son in their own personal language. They feel the Father has given them a special gift that is truly a great treasure. It has been a long process working on these special editions and we know when the Ruach gave the vision there was a good reason. The HalleluYah Scriptures children’s book is in 12 languages and we have funding for 4 of them at this stage, those being the English, Spanish, Kenyan and Philippines. We would like to print the other special editions and pray for the funding to be able to do this. HalleluYah!!!


The children’s book is history in the making for it is the first of it’s kind in many languages. A number of brothers and sisters worked hard to make this happen and feel so excited to see it finely completed. All praise to the Father and His Son.


If you would like to help print any of the followings languages please let us know as we would like to reach thousands of children in many countries.

Many children all over the world have no idea that that Father and His Son have Names or that there is any hope for they live in such bad conditions and we believe that this book will help pave the way for truth and hope.

Here is the languages we would like to print:

1. English  (Printed)

2. Spanish  (Printed)

3. Urdu (Pakistan)

4. Telugu (India) Needed Urgently

5. Afrikaans (South Africa)

6. Kiswahili (Kenya) (Going to Print)

7. Indonesian

8. Filipino (Go to print)

9. Hebrew

10. Chinese

11. Dutch

12. French


Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who donated to have the English, Spanish, Kenyan and Philippines language printed. May the Father show you favour always. We know the Father will reward you and many prayers or thanks and praise will go up from these children to the Father and His Son. HalleluYah.

To order these books kindly go to this link, we are asking brothers and sisters to order as many as you they give away and take to their local public library so that children can read and enjoy them and come to know their is a Father and He has a Son who is our Savior.

Here is the link to order:

HalleluYah and all praise, honor and esteem belongs to the Father and His Son.

The HalleluYah Scriptures Team.

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