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Restored Paleo Hebrew Name Scriptures , No Footnotes , No Man’s Doctrines , No Paganisms , Literal Translation , Closest To The Hebrew , Not For Sale, Free To The Poor, Prisoners and The Very Needy, Supported By Those Who Can Afford. 80% of Added Words Removed

Word Freely Given In Nigeria & India Orphans

Word Freely Given In Nigeria & India Orphans

“Praise Him with tambourine and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise Him with sounding cymbals; Praise Him with resounding cymbals! Let all that have breath hallěl Yah. Hallelu-Yah!” Tehillim / Psalm 150:4-6. HalleluYah!...
Philippines Rejoicing Over HalleluYah Scriptures

Philippines Rejoicing Over HalleluYah Scriptures

Be glad in YHWH and exult, you righteous; And shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” ~Tehillim /Psalms 32:11. The devotion and tenderness by those who donate towards the HalleluYah Scriptures Project is so special and wonderful, and it really touches our hearts, as...

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